Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Al-Amoudi's Ethiopia gold mine gets set with 128 tons

National Mining Corp., a closely held company majority-owned by Saudi billionaire Mohammed al-Amoudi, said it has 128 tons of gold ready to be mined at its Okote project in south Ethiopia.

“With very little exploration work and by undertaking a definitive feasibility study the reserve could be turned into a big mine,” the Addis Ababa-based company said in a statement e- mailed today.

Okote, which is in the Oromia region, could contain a total of 454 tons, it said. The site may produce around 10 tons a year, almost doubling Ethiopia’s output of the precious metal, NMC said in March.

Extraction will require investment of $121.5 million and the mine may generate profits of $4.3 billion for the company over 20 years, NMC said. It said the government will receive $2 billion over two decades in tax and royalty payments.

Ethiopia, the world’s third-biggest coffee grower, is diversifying its economy to reduce its reliance on agriculture, which accounts for 43 percent of gross domestic product according to African Development Bank data.

Gold exports surged 40 percent to $405.3 million in the first nine months of the fiscal year that ends July 7.

Migrant hunting, smuggling on Yemen-Saudi border

Ethiopian migrants gather outside a transit center where they wait to be repatriated, in the western Yemeni town of Haradh, on the border with Saudi Arabia March 28, 2012. Plagued by sandstorms, drought, gun runners and drug smugglers, the 1,800-km (1,100

HARADH, Yemen (Reuters) - Unfastening his grubby sling, Ali Yusef let out a gasp as his mangled forearm dropped limply to his side. Jumping out of a speeding pick-up truck to evade kidnappers last week, the young Ethiopian was lucky to get away with only a broken arm.

Yusef is one of thousands of Ethiopians lured by the promise of a better life in wealthy oil-rich Gulf Arab states who have found themselves trapped in a lawless and violent stretch of territory on the Yemeni side of the border with Saudi Arabia.

"It (jumping) was worth the risk," said Yusef, showing the blisters on his palms. "I'd rather die than let them catch me."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Ethiopian national football team faces visa problems

Bafana Bafana’s 2014 World Cup qualifier against Ethiopia on Sunday is in danger of not taking place after the Ethiopians failed to acquire visas.

But Home Affairs spokesperson, Ronnie Mamoepa said that there was no need for panic and that the visitors would be able to honour the match at the Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg.

“We are doing everything to assist their passage to South Africa and we believe that the north-east Africans should arrive in South Africa as was scheduled. Their team has not been denied visas, except that there were discrepancies in the whole application process.

“Let me put this on record. Firstly, the South African Football Association (Safa) did not send a letter of invitation to the Ethiopians as is standard to support the visa applications. We are talking with Safa to assist with that.

“Secondly, the applications were incomplete, which forced us to request our diplomatic mission there to assist them with their applications, which means we still expect them to arrive as expected on Friday,” said Mamoepa.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tariku & Kenenisa Bekele: An Olympian Family Affair

As Ethiopian star Kenenisa Bekele prepares to defend his Olympic 10,000 meters gold medal in London, his toughest competition could very well come from his younger brother, 25-year-old Tariku. On Sunday in Hengelo, the Netherlands, Tariku clocked 27:11:70, the fastest time in the world this year for the 25-lap race.

The Dutch competition doubled as Ethiopia’s 10,000 meters qualification race for the London Games. Lelisa Desisa finished a close second, only 0.28 behind Tariku, to also book a ticket to London. Ethiopia’s third Olympic 10,000 meters berth was reserved for Kenenisa Bekele.
Kenenisa is regarded as one of the greatest distance runners of all time. He is the reigning Olympic champion and world record holder at both five thousand meters (12:37:35) and 10,000 meters (26:17:53). However, he has not been in top form the past two years because of leg injuries.

Another Ethiopian who has not been in top form in recent years is Haile Gebrselassie, a former world record holder and two-time Olympic champion at 10,000 meters who was hoping to qualify for his fifth Olympics.
But Father Time is one opponent the 39-year-old Ethiopian star has not been able to beat. Haile finished seventh in Hengelo, and afterwards hinted to reporters that he is moving closer to retirement from athletics. He made journalists laugh when he said at the post-race press conference: “Well, after this you will see me you know not with a track suit – with a suit!

Off the track, Haile has been wearing that business suit more often. He has become a successful businessman with several commercial ventures, including a resort hotel at Ethiopia’s Lake Awassa.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Journey of a jazz prodigy_Samuel Yirga

Samuel Yirga: "Many great musicians were living outside Ethiopia ... now the energy is coming back."

IT'S 3am in Addis Ababa and Samuel Yirga is padding around his bedroom listening to Ethiopian folk tunes. The 25-year-old pianist doesn't keep regular hours. He goes to bed at 8am, when the Ethiopian capital stirs itself for a new day, and spends the witching hours composing music. If his mobile drops out six times during a phone interview, he's not bothered. He simply picks up mid-thought and speaks of the African mobile network as one might a temperamental acquaintance: ''You just keep going until you get through. This is how it is in Africa.''
It's a philosophy that might well apply to his music, not only in respect to convincing his father to let him study it - the older man had a career in engineering mapped out for his son - but also in his determination to revisit an era of Ethiopian music few outside his homeland are familiar with: the folk tunes of the country's central and northern highlands.
You'll find echoes in his work of the ethereal quality that has won his Ethiojazz compatriots, such as Mulatu Astatke, international acclaim. Yet, while Yirga often works in the five-note scale born out of ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Church hymns, he reimagines them in compositions that meld jazz and classical influences.

"Unorthodox" Ethiopian priest still practising after sexually abusing woman

An Ethiopian Orthodox priest who sexually abused a parishioner during a depraved baptism ritual has avoided a jail term and is continuing to practise.

Gebrehana Semre of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church in St Phillips Square, Battersea, was handed a 12-month prison sentence last week, suspended for 18 months, after being convicted of assaulting the woman.

In September 2010, Semre used his position within the church to invite himself into the victim's home in order to bless the house and baptise her.

The 47-year-old priest, from Battersea, told the vulnerable woman she needed to be naked in order for the ceremony to be authentic.

She was uncomfortable with this, but trusted Semre as a senior member of the church and believed it was part of the ritual. Semre then carried out the "blessing" and sexually assault her.

Due to his high standing in the church and the Ethiopian community, the victim felt "intimidated and fearful" about reporting him to police or family.
But eventually she found the courage to tell family members who encouraged her to speak to the police in October 2010 and a full investigation was launched by Kensington and Chelsea Community Safety Unit.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Amha Eshete & Contribution of Amha Records to Modern Ethiopian Music

Amha Eshete is the Founder of the trailblazing Ethiopian music label "Amha Records." 

New York (TADIAS) – Five decades ago, when the Italian owner of the only record store in Addis Ababa could not keep up with growing local demand for more music variety, an Ethiopian music enthusiast named Amha Eshete opened his own shop. “I ended up opening the first music shop owned by a native Ethiopian, diversified the import and started buying directly from New York, India, Kenya, and West Africa,” Amha recalled in a recent interview with Tadias Magazine. “But there was one very important ingredient missing — I was selling foreign music labels, all kinds of music except Ethiopian records, which was absurd,” he added.

Amha Eshete is the Founder of Amha Records – the pioneering record company whose work from the “golden era” of Ethiopian music is now enshrined in the world-famous éthiopiques CD series.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Berklee College of Music Honours Ethiopia’s Mulatu Astatke (Plus: Video)

Earlier this month, Ethiopian musician Mulatu Astatke was presented with an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music, alongside fellow musicians the Eagles and Alison Krauss. Astatke, known as the father of Ethio-Jazz and notably Berklee’s first African graduate, delivered the 2012 commencement address to over 900 graduates.
Close to 900 graduates from 58 countries received degrees today at Berklee’s 2012 commencement. Berklee president Roger H. Brown presented honorary doctor of music degrees to Rock and Roll Hall of Famers the Eagles, 27-time Grammy Award winner Alison Krauss, and innovative Ethiopian musician Mulatu Astatke. Astatke delivered the commencement address to the graduating class and an estimated crowd of more than 4,000 guests at the Agganis Arena.
In his address, Astatke, Berklee’s first African graduate, thanked the college for opening doors for musicians from developing nations, and encouraged graduates to think outside the box. “At Berklee, I was immersed in a motivating and creative academic environment where Ethio-jazz was conceived,” said Astatke. “You now have the skills and the education to create new innovations in music …You are a selected few with a special gift, and we all have great expectations for you.”

Watch a video of the graduation ceremony, including Astatke’s address:


ኃይሌ ገብረ ሥላሴ ታስሮ ፍርድ ቤት እንዲቀርብ ትዕዛዝ ተላለፈ

አትሌት ኃይሌ ገብረ ሥላሴ 1996 .. የወጣውን የወንጀል ሕግ አንቀጽ 436() በመተላለፍ ፈጽሟል የተባለውን በሕገወጥ መንገድ መብትን የማስከበር ወንጀል፣ ለግንቦት 10 ቀን 2004 .. ቀርቦ እንዲያስረዳ በተላለፈለት ጥሪ መሠረት ባለመቅረቡ ታስሮ ፍርድ ቤት እንዲቀርብ ትዕዛዝ ተላለፈ፡፡

ትዕዛዙን ያስተላለፈው የፌዴራል መጀመርያ ደረጃ ፍርድ ቤት የየካ ምድብ ወንጀል ችሎት ሲሆን፣ ኃይሌ ታስሮ እንዲቀርብ ትዕዛዝ ያስተላለፈው የፌዴራል ዓቃቤ ሕግ ሚያዝያ 18 ቀን 2004 .. ላቀረበው የወንጀል ክስ ግንቦት 10 ቀን 2004 .. መልስ ይዞ  እንዲቀርብ በተላለፈለት ጥሪ መሠረት ፍርድ ቤት ሳይቀርብ በመቅረቱ ነው፡፡

አትሌት ኃይሌን ለክስ ያበቃው ክስተት ህዳር 24 ቀን 2004 .. ከቀኑ 700 ሰዓት አካባቢ በየካ ክፍለ ከተማ ቀበሌ 11/12 ክልል ልዩ ቦታው ሃያ ሁለት እየተባለ ከሚጠራው አካባቢ በተፈጸመ ድርጊት ነው፡፡

በተጠቀሰው አካባቢ በሚገኘው የአትሌት ኃይሌ ሕንፃ ውስጥ ተከራይተው ከሚሠሩትና ተበዳይ ከሆኑት አቶ አዲስ ደገፋ ጋር በኪራይ ውል ምክንያት በተፈጠረ አለመግባባት ጉዳዩ ፍርድ ቤት ደርሶ በክርክር ላይ እንደነበር ክሱ ያስረዳል፡፡ ጉዳዩ በፍርድ ቤት ውሳኔ ሳያገኝ አቶ አዲስ ይሠሩበት የነበረውን ቢሮ ቁልፍ በሌላ ቁልፍ በመቀየር እንዳይገለገሉበት ማድረጉን ክሱ ያብራራል፡፡ ድርጊቱም በሕገወጥ መንገድ መብትን ማስከበር ወንጀል መሆኑን ጠቅሷል፡፡

አትሌት ኃይሌ ገብረ ሥላሴ የፍርድ ቤቱን ጥሪ አክብሮ ፍርድ ቤት ባለመገኘቱ 48 ሰዓታት ውስጥ ታስሮ ለግንቦት 29 ቀን 2004 .. ፍርድ ቤት እንዲቀርብ ፍርድ ቤቱ ትዕዛዝ አስተላልፏል፡፡

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tigist Shibabaw Eshururu from the African Dreams Album

Tigist was born and raised in the small northwestern Ethiopia town of Chagni. She was one of ten siblings, born into a family of coffee farmers that relied on the local river for their harvest. Her sister has described learning traditional songs from a priest in the family home,in spite of the Ethiopian Church generally prohibiting women from singing or playing music in church until the Derg era. Their household was always filled with entertainment; the children of the house where often recruited to entertain guests
Tigist immigrated to the United States in 2000 to pursue a music career, joining her older sister Gigi who was already a globally acclaimed musician in her own right. Their father had initially forbidden Gigi from becoming an entertainer
Tigist died at the age of twenty-eight in Bahar Dar, Ethiopia where she is said to have traveled on a spiritual journey shortly after she finished recording with Bole2Harlem. Details regarding the circumstances surrounding her passing never emerged, including the exact date of her death. She was buried in Chagni, Ethiopia, the town where she was born, among family.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

“ጥቁር ሰው” አልበም ሊመረቅ ነው::ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁንና አዲካ ተስማሙ

በድምፃዊ ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን (ቴዲ አፍሮ) እና በአዲካ ኮሙዩኒኬሽንና ኢቨንትስ ኩባንያ መካከል ተፈጥሮ የነበረው አለመግባባት መፈታቱን ምንጮች ገለጹ፡፡ አለመግባባቱ የተፈታው በሽምግልና ሲሆን ቴዎድሮስ ያነሳቸውን የቅሬታ ሐሳቦች በሙሉ በመሰረዝ፣ ከአዲካ ዋና ባለድርሻና ዳይሬክተር አቶ አዋድ መሐመድ ጋር መግባባት ላይ መድረሱን ለጉዳዩ ቅርበት ያላቸው ምንጮች ገልጸዋል፡፡

የተፈጠረውን መግባባት ተከትሎ በግንቦት ወር መጨረሻ ወይም በሰኔ ወር መጀመርያ “ጥቁር ሰው” የተሰኘውን የቴዎድሮስ አዲስ አልበም ለማስመረቅ ቀጠሮ ተይዟል፡፡

መረጃዎች እንደሚጠቀሙት በሁለቱ ባለጉዳዮች መካከል በተነሳው አለመግባባት የአልበሙ ሽያጭ ተቀዛቅዟል፡፡ “ምርቃቱ ያስፈለገውም የተቀዛቀዘውን ገበያ ለማነቃቃት ነው” ሲሉ ምንጮች ይገልጻሉ፡፡

ባለፉት ሳምንታት በቴዎድሮስና በአቶ አዋድ ኩባንያ መካከል አለመግባባት መፈጠሩ አይዘገነጋም፡፡ አለመግባባቱ የተነሳው ቴዎድሮስ ባነሳቸው ሁለት መሠረታዊ ምክንያቶች ነው፡፡

የመጀመርያው አልበሙ በሜታ ቢራ ስፖንሰር ተደርጎ ሲዲው ላይ የሜታ ቢራ ማስታወቂያ በመለጠፉ ሲሆን፣ እንዲሁም የአልበሙ ሽያጭ ከሁለት ሚሊዮን ኮፒ በላይ በመሆኑ፣ ላገኝ የሚገቡኝን ጥቅሞች አጥቻለሁ የሚል ነው፡፡

ይህ የቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን የቅሬታ ሐሳብ ለአዲካ ሚዛን የሚደፋ አልሆነም፡፡ ምንጮች እንደሚገልጹት፣ በቴዎድሮስና በአዲካ መካከል መጋቢት 2004 ዓ.ም. በተደረገው ውል ቴዎድሮስ አዲካ ለአልበሙ ስፖንሰር እንዲጠቀም ይፈቅዳል፡፡ ይህም በመሆኑ አዲካ ሜታ ቢራን ለስፖንሰርነት ካመጣ በኋላ ቴዎድሮስ ቢራ ማስተዋወቅ አልፈልግም በማለቱ፣ ከመጀመርያው ሊታሰብበት ይገባ ነበር በሚል አቶ አዋድ እንዳልተቀበሉት ታውቋል፡፡

በሁለተኛ ደረጃ የተነሳው የቴዎድሮስ ቅሬታ የተሸጠው የሲዲ ቁጥር ከፍተኛ ነው ነገር ግን በአዲካ የተገለጸው የሽያጭ ቁጥር ዝቅተኛ ነው የሚል ነበር፡፡ በዚህም ሊያገኝ ይገባው የነበረውን ገቢ እንዳጣ ቴዎድሮስ መናገሩን መረጃዎች ይጠቁማሉ፡፡

በአዲካና በቴዎድሮስ መካከል ያለው ስምምነት እንደሚያመለክተው፣ አዲካ ያወጣውን ወጪ መልሶ የተጣራ ትርፍ ማግኘት ሲጀምር ከሚገኘው ትርፍ 20 በመቶ እንደሚያገኝ ነው፡፡ ነገር ግን በአዲካ የቀረበው መረጃ ቴዎድሮስ አለ እንደሚባለው ከሁለት ሚሊዮን በላይ ኮፒ አይደለም፡፡

ከህትመት ኩባንያው የተገኘው መረጃም የሲዲ ሽያጩ ሚሊዮን ቤት አልገባም፡፡ በመረጃ የተደገፈው ይህ ሆኖ ሳለ በቴዎድሮስ በኩል የሚነሳው ግምታዊና ሐሳባዊ ቁጥር ነው በሚል አዲካ አልቀበልም እንዳለ ምንጮች ገልጸዋል፡፡

ይህንን ችግር በግልግል ለመዳኘት ባለፉት ሳምንታት በርካታ ሰዎች ሞክረዋል፡፡ ስምምነቱ ላይ ለመድረስ በርካታ ጊዜያት ቢፈጅም በመጨረሻ ቴዎድሮስ የቅሬታ ሐሳቦቹን ሙሉ በሙሉ በማንሳቱ ስምምነት ላይ እንደተደረሰ ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡

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Great Manchester Run: Haile Gebrselassie takes fifth crown

Haile Gebrselassie recorded the fastest 10,000m time in the world this year to win his fifth Great Manchester Run.
The Ethiopian, 39, clocked 27 minutes and 29 seconds to beat compatriots Tsegae Kebede and Ayele Abshero, and secure a fourth win in a row.
Gebrselassie missed out on selection for the London 2012 marathon, but may compete in the 10,000m event in which he has won two Olympic golds.
Kenyan Linet Masai took victory in the women's race in 31 minutes, 35 seconds.
Gebrselassie will now run in Hengelo, Holland, next Sunday in a race which will double as the Ethiopian trials, with the top three set to be selected for the London Games.
"I am so happy today, everything was perfect," said Gebrselassie, who could come up against British world champion Mo Farah in London.
"I am not surprised to run that fast. I wanted to run under 27 minutes.
"According to my training this year, I feel I can run faster on the track. I want to go under 27 minutes, that's what I am thinking. If I run this fast on the road, why not on the track?"
In the women's race, former world champion Masai took victory ahead of Britons Charlotte Purdoe in fourth and Mara Yamauchi - who will compete in the marathon at the Olympics - in sixth.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Haile Gebrselassie considers London Olympic options

Haile Gebrselassie has not ruled out the possibility of qualifying for the 10,000m at this summer's Olympics.
The 39-year-old said his Olympic dream was over after failing to win a place in Ethiopia's marathon team.
But the two-time Olympic 10,000m champion is considering his options ahead of a 10,000m race in Hengelo, the Netherlands, on 27 May that will serve as the Ethiopian Olympic trial.
He said it would be "wonderful" to compete in London.
The veteran is cautious about his chances of finishing one of the two fastest Ethiopians in the race in order to qualify for the Olympic team - but told BBC World Service Sport that his enthusiasm for the Games remains undimmed.
"I wish to take part in the Olympics because it's London," said Gebrselassie, who has won four World 10,000m titles.
"I believe London is going to host one of the best Olympics Games. These Olympics are going to be very special.
"The organisation here is so perfect and the people organise such wonderful races. I don't want to miss the Olympics, even if it's to watch."
While in no doubt that qualifying for the Ethiopian team will be difficult, Gebrselassie also knows that claiming a third Olympic gold in London would be an even greater challenge.
"If I qualify for the 10,000 metres, don't forget who will be there this year. Not just Kenyans and Ethiopians, also athletes like Mo Farah - they are stronger," he admitted.
"If Farah is in the same shape like last year he will be the one. Kenenisa Bekele will be strong too but there are many others."
Gebrselassie also spoke about the difficulties of facing up to the end of his competitive racing career ahead of running in Sunday's 10k Great Manchester Run, which he has won in each of the last three years.
"If you think about retiring then you retire automatically. It's the mind, not the body," said the 39-year-old.
"I don't want to miss a single race. It doesn't matter which one, a race is a race. I want to win each and every race - and if I don't win then at least run a good time."

Friday, May 18, 2012

How Ethiopian Music Went Global: Interview with Francis Falceto

"Ethiopiques" is a CD series featuring Ethiopian Musicians. Many of the discs contain various singles and albums originally produced by Amha Records, Kaifa Records and Philips-Ethiopia. (Photo: Courtesy of Buda Musique)

New York (TADIAS) – In November 1987, when Francis Falceto, an editor with the French label Buda Musique, traveled to Washington, D.C. to finalize a licensing deal with Ethiopian producer Amha Eshete, owner of Amha Records
who held the rights to the treasure trove of Ethiopian music from the 1960s and 1970s – little did he know that it would take another decade for the contract to be completed. But the result has been an astonishing twenty-seven volumes of the éthiopiques CD series, which has propelled Ethiopian music on the world stage in the last ten years and introduced the sounds of Ethio-jazz to audiences and musicians far and wide.

Ethiopian Mulugeta Kebede among 25 people who became U.S. citizens in Montana

On Thursday morning, 25 people proudly took their oath of allegiance to the United States and became citizens in front of an excited crowd in a federal courtroom in Helena, some of whom snapped photos of their loved ones.
The newly minted citizens, in turn, reacted in a variety of ways. One gave the gathering a thumbs up, while others dabbed at tears of joy.
For Catherine Van Bilsen, the
moment was years in the making. While living in Belgium, and visiting Spain, she met her future husband, who lived in Missoula.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ayele Abshero and Tiki Gelana to lead Ethiopia’s Marathon squad for London 2012

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia- Dubai Marathon champion and world leader Ayele Abshero and recently-minted national women’s record holder Tiki Gelana will lead Ethiopia’s strong Marathon squad for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The selection, which is made based on the finishing times of athletes in 2012, sees many high-profile stars including Olympic bronze medallist Tsegaye Kebede and national record holder Haile Gebrselassie miss the cut. Yemane Tsegaye, winner of the Rotterdam Marathon in April and the second fastest Ethiopian behind Abshero, also misses the cut after competing in two marathons over the selection period, an action that was deemed in violation for the Ethiopian Athletics Federation’s selection procedure.

But a youthful squad is led by Abshero, who surprised many in his home country and in the Marathon world by winning the 2012 Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon in 2:04.23 in January on his Marathon debut. The 21-year old, who is a former World junior Cross Country champion and younger brother to 2008 Dublin Marathon winner Tessema Abshero, is confident of his chances in the English capital.

"I am very keen to represent my country in the Olympic Games," he said. "If I do my training well and stay healthy, I am sure I can win something for my country in London."

He will be joined in the men’s squad by Getu Feleke, second place finisher in the Rotterdam Marathon and Dino Sefer, third in Dubai. Markos Genetti, winner of the Los Angeles Marathon in 2011 and third in Dubai, and Tadesse Tola have been named as reserves.

Unlike the men’s squad, the women’s team will have an athlete with previous major event Marathon experience in the shape of Asselefech Mergia. The Dubai Marathon winner was a bronze medallist in the 2009 World Championships in Berlin, Germany and a silver medalist in the 2009 World Half Marathon Championships in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

The team, however, maintains its youthfulness in the shape of Tiki Gelana, another surprise package in the Marathon this season following her victory and national record time in the Fortis Rotterdam Marathon. The 24-year old, a niece of Sydney Olympic Marathon champion Gezhagne Abera, is also the second fastest Marathon runner in the world this year behind Kenyan Mary Keitany and will hope to bring her fresh legs to UK this summer.

Mare Dibaba, third in the Dubai Marathon this year and the national Half Marathon record holder, completes a strong line up. Veteran Bizunesh Bekele and youngster Tirfi Tsegaye have been named as reserves. Like Yemane Tsegaye, Aberu Kebede also misses out after competing twice over the Marathon in the qualifying period.

Elshadai Negash (with the assistance of Bizuayehu Wagaw) for the IAAF

Ethiopian marathon team for London 2012 –

MEN: Ayele Abshero (2:04.23), Dino Sefer (2:04.50), Getu Feleke (2:04.50)
RESERVES: Markos Geneti (2:04.54), Tadese Tola (2:05.10)

WOMEN: Tiki Gelana (2:18.58), Asselefech Mergia (2:19.31), Mare Dibaba (2:19.52)
RESERVES: Bezunesh Bekele (2:20.30), Tirfi Tsegaye (2:21.40)

Bruktawit Tigabu & Marcus Samuelsson: The 100 Most Creative People in Business 2012

New York (TADIAS) – What do Marcus Samuels­son, acclaimed chef & author, and Bruktawit Tigabu have in common? They both have been named among The 100 Most Creative People in Business 2012 by Fast Company magazine. Bruktawit, who lives in Ethiopia, is the Founder and Director of Whiz Kids Workshop, which produces educational programs for children, including Tsehai Loves Learning , a popular television series that is broadcast twice a week on Ethiopian national TV.

“Whiz Kids has a staff of nine, but Tigabu sews the puppets, outlines the story, reads Tsehai’s part, and supervises editing–when she’s not securing grants from UNESCO and others to meet her meager $100,000 annual budget,” noted Fast Company in its recognition of Bruktawit’s work. “Prior to shooting, she takes storyboards of an episode into schools to show young students.”

“I observe their attention,” she says. “If the storyboards work, the live action will too.”

As for Marcus, Fast Company notes that “after a celebrated run as executive chef at Aquavit Restaurant, the Ethiopia-born Marcus Samuels­son performed gustatory magic in Harlem.” The magazine adds “he built a spot both critically heralded and reflective of the area’s many cultures.”

“I bike and I walk every corner of Harlem, and see so much diversity that’s unexpected,” Marcus says. Then he builds a menu around those encounters.

We congratulate both Bruktawit and Marcus for their achievements.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From An Ethiopian Orphanage Into Jennifer Lopez' Arms

On a June evening in 2010, a social worker arrived at the door of an orphanage in southern Ethiopia, carrying two frail infants. Hours before, the man had made his way to a rural village, summoned by the children's grandmother. The boys, Abenet and Afework, had been born several weeks premature. Their mother had died in childbirth. Their father, a poor farmer already struggling to keep two older children alive, lacked the resources to care for them.

The boys' health had worsened drastically since their birth. They were malnourished and barely responsive to stimulation. After many tears, the boys' grandmother convinced her son to give them up to an orphanage. "They will die here," she told him, "It is what God would have you do." Agonizing over the decision, their father realized that his mother was right and relinquished custody. "Take them to someone who will care well for them," he told her.

"Do not worry," she responded. "I know someone."

Lauryn Hill’s Ex Rohan Marley To Marry Model Isabeli Fontana in Ethiopia

Lauryn Hill’s ex-boyfriend of 15 years has moved on from the former Fugee’s singer and will marry model girlfriend Isabeli Fontana.

Rohan Marley, son of Bob Marley and a former football player, will marry Isabeli in an Ethi
opian wedding, MTV reports.

Hill and Marley had five children together during their decade and a half relationship, and while a marriage was never confirmed, Hill reportedly referred to Marley as her husband on a regular basis. The pair broke up following the revelation that Hill was pregnant with another man’s baby.

On another note, Isabeli and Rohan have not set a date on when they will wed, but Isabeli did tell Brazil’s Veja magazine that the duo chose Ethiopia because “Rohan told me we have to return to the roots so the marriage will last forever." Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of the Rastafarian culture.

Isabeli has modeled for Victoria’s Secret, Escada, Dolce & Gabbana, Revlon and Ralph Lauren.

According to The Huffington Post this will be Isabeli’s third marriage and Marley’s second. Isabeli has three children.

Kuwait Military officer arrested for Kissing his Ethiopian Girlfriend

Military officer held for ‘disgracing uniform’

KUWAIT: A Ministry of Defense officer was arrested at Kuwait International Airport by a fellow military man who caught him sharing an intimate moment with a female passenger. The arrested officer was inside a coffee shop, where he was caught sharing hugs and kisses with his Ethiopian girlfriend. The scene caught the attention of all people present including an off-duty Military Police Force Captain, who arrested him after identifying himself. The suspect was reportedly handcuffed and held at the airport security office, after initially attempting to escape. He explained during investigations that he drove his girlfriend to the airport to say goodbye before she flew home. The man was referred to the proper authorities to face charges, that include disgracing his military uniform in public.

"You black people think you can come to this country and steal cars" Ethiopian teen racially abused in Australia

THE Office of Police Integrity violated the human rights of an Ethiopian teenager living in Melbourne by failing to investigate an incident in which police allegedly broke his teeth against a gutter, capsicum-sprayed him while he was handcuffed and racially abused him, the Supreme Court has heard.
Nassir Bare complained to the OPI in February 2010 that one year earlier, when he was aged 17, police had repeatedly struck his chin against the gutter, chipping his teeth, kicked his legs out from under him, kicked him in the ribs, sprayed him in the face with capsicum spray while handcuffed and told him ''you black people think you can come to this country and steal cars''. Mr Bare, who is from Ethiopia, is now taking legal action against the OPI and individual officers of the OPI for their decisions to refer his complaint to Victoria Police's internal ethical standards department for investigation.
Barrister Jason Pizer, representing Mr Bare, said that the lawyer who filed this complaint had requested that the OPI investigate the matter independently and not refer the complaint to Victoria Police.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ethio Boy - If You Were Mine (Prod. That Boy H') -


Ethiopian Man Charged with Credit-Card Fraud in Minnesota

Police say Nathenael Wondwossen Ashenafi broke into cars at the Burnsville YMCA, stole credit cards and used them at the Target in Burnsville.
A St. Paul man has been charged with credit-card fraud after police say he used stolen credit cards to buy iPods at the Burnsville Target store.

Nathenael Wondwossen Ashenafi, 20, is charged with four counts of financial transaction card fraud, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

Ashenafi remains in the Dakota County Jail on a $50,000 bond. An omnibus hearing in his case is scheduled May 29 in Dakota County District Court in Hastings.

According to the criminal complaint, Burnsville police received a complaint of credit-card fraud at the Burnsville Target on April 26. The victim told police that his credit card had been stolen and used to buy $1,285 worth of iPads, and that the thief had attempted to buy another $1,285 worth of merchandise using his card.

Police obtained surveillance video from Target and determined that the suspect was Ashenafi, according to the complaint.

On April 30, police investigated two vehicle break-ins in the parking lot of the Burnsville YMCA. Officers spoke to the two victims, each of whom said credit cards had been stolen from their cars and used at the Burnsville Target.

YMCA employees reviewed surveillance video and cross-referenced it with the club’s identification cards. They identified two suspects, one of whom was Ashenafi, the complaint says.

Police subsequently searched Ashenafi’s car and home, where they found receipts and other evidence related to the fraudulent transactions in his car and backpack, according to the complaint.

Ashenafi’s criminal record includes a conviction for aggravated first-degree robbery in 2008, when he was 17. He was also convicted of credit-card fraud and aggravated first-degree robbery in two separate cases in 2011.

Ethiopian man died after being dragged by a car in South Africa, 3 men are arrested

Iban’s legs had been tied together and his arms had been tied to the car

By Nosipho Luthuli

Three men have been arrested in Creighton in connection with the murder of an Ethiopian street hawker who had been missing since May 3, KwaZulu-Natal police said on Sunday.

It is believed that the victim died of injuries he suffered after being tied to and dragged by a moving car.

The suspects, expected to appear in the Ixopo Magistrate’s Court on Monday, were arrested on Saturday in connection with the kidnapping and murder of 30-year-old Thomas Tamerat Iban, said police spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent Mdunge.

“Iban went missing… after he went to Mahehle in Creighton to collect money owed to him (by one of his customers),” he said.

Police later found Iban’s car, a Toyota Corolla 1.6, abandoned in Donnybrook.

Two of the men were arrested by police in Umlazi for stock theft and have since been linked to Iban’s murder, Mdunge said.

One of them volunteered to show police the location of Iban’s body, he said. The body was found in a stream.

Police believe he died after being dragged by a car. Iban’s legs had been tied together and his arms had been tied to the car, Mdunge said.

Mdunge said the men faced charges of kidnapping, robbery with aggravating circumstances and murder.

Police are searching for a fourth man.

Iban had been living with his brother and a friend in Umzimkhulu.

His friend, Gizachew Ersumo, 33, said Iban left home at about 3pm on May 3 and by 6pm his phone was switched off.

“When we couldn’t reach him on his cell, we went to Mahehle, which is about 35-40km away from home,” he said. “When we got to where he went, there was no one there. We went back there again on Friday to find his T-shirt and key ring, but we still couldn’t reach him on his cell.”

Since his arrival from Doyogana in Ethiopia in 2007, Ersumo said Iban made a living by going from house to house selling blankets, sheets and duvets.

“His brother is in so much pain,” Ersumo said. “So am I, because he was like a brother to me. He was always willing to help when I needed him.”

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dub Colossus Dub Band – With The Ethiopian jazz and traditional styles

Dub Colossus are one of the most exciting fusion bands of recent years, thanks to their inventive blend of Ethiopian jazz and traditional styles, dub reggae and atmospheric instrumentals. But that doesn't always ensure a good payday. Their leader, Nick "Dubulah" Page, complains they have had to turn down concerts because the fees were insufficient to cover the cost of flights and visas for the Ethiopian members. So, for this show, Dub Colossus line up with only their British-based members present.

The band's new album, Dub Me Tender, consists of songs from their back catalogue, along with new material – and here gets a completely new treatment, with the emphasis firmly on dub. Performing the album live for the first time, in a packed, late-night venue in Hackney, Dubulah stood at the back of the stage playing guitar, half-hidden behind an impressive 11-piece band. It included three brass players, keyboards, percussionists and three celebrated guests, including singers PJ Higgins and Mykaell Riley, of Steel Pulse fame. The bass work so crucial for any dub reggae band was provided by Winston Blissett, who has worked with everyone from Massive Attack to Robbie Williams. As for the Ethiopian singers and instruments that made the original Dub Colossus so special, they could only be heard on samples, mixed into the set by Toby Mills, who also provided the live dub effects.

The result may inevitably have sounded more Jamaican than African, but as the debut of a new experimental band it was highly encouraging. The furious dub effects and driving reggae rhythms were matched by sturdy jazz solos from brass and keyboards, while Riley and Higgins provided stomping vocals for cover songs that included the Tapper Zukie favourite MPLA, and Fun Boy Three's The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum. A great show, but I hope those expensive Ethiopians are not forgotten.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ethiopia's Chimsa wins Prague marathon

PRAGUE (AP) -- Deressa Chimsa of Ethiopia won the Prague International Marathon on Sunday and Agnes Kiprop of Kenya dominated the women's race.
Chimsa pulled away about 10 kilometers from the end to finish the race in 2 hours, 6 minutes and 25 seconds in the second fastest time on the track.
Chimsa said: "To run alone was very difficult."
Stephen Tum of Kenya was second in 2:07:17 and his countryman Philemon Limo was third in 2:09:25.
Kiprop who won in 2:25:41 was followed by another Kenyan runner, Flomena Chepchirchir, and Meseret Debele of Ethiopia.
About 9,000 runners participated in the 18th edition of the race.
Mainichi Daily News 

Ethiopian Edao Weily wins Oxford's Town and Gown Race

Edao Weily is thought to have broken the Town and Gown Race record time
A road race in Oxford has been won by an Ethiopian runner involved in a scheme to train East African athletes.
Edao Weily, who won the annual Town and Gown Race, had trained with Running Across Borders which was established by an Oxford University graduate.
Mr Weily, 25, said he was "really happy to have won" his first competitive race in the UK.
About 3,000 runners took part in the event, raising up to £120,000 for Muscular Dystrophy research.
Malcolm Anderson set up a Running Across Borders training camp in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to provide economic opportunities for young runners from the region.
It is believed Mr Weily's time of just under 30 minutes is a course record.

Mulatu Astatke Receive Honorary Doctor of Music Degree at Berklee Commencement

Mulatu Astatke addresses the Class of 2012 at the commencement ceremony.

Close to 900 graduates from 58 countries received degrees today at Berklee's 2012 commencement. Berklee president Roger H. Brown presented honorary doctor of music degrees to Rock and Roll Hall of Famers the Eagles, 27-time Grammy Award winner Alison Krauss, and innovative Ethiopian musician Mulatu Astatke. Astatke delivered the commencement address to the graduating class and an estimated crowd of more than 4,000 guests at the Agganis Arena.

In his address, Astatke, Berklee's first African graduate, thanked the college for opening doors for musicians from developing nations, and encouraged graduates to think outside the box. "At Berklee, I was immersed in a motivating and creative academic environment where Ethio-jazz was conceived," said Astatke. "You now have the skills and the education to create new innovations in music . . . You are a selected few with a special gift, and we all have great expectations for you."