
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Kenya: Embu Court Sends 11 Illegal Ethiopian Immigrants to Jail for Three Months

ELEVEN Ethiopians who were arrested in Mbeere South recently leading to protests which led to the shooting of two residents were yesterday jailed for three months.
After their arrest at Kiritiri market on October 8, locals wanted them to be released so they could lynch them as they suspected they were robbers.
Acting chief magistrate Alfred Kibiru said the 11, who pleaded guilty to being in Kenya illegally, will be jailed at the Embu GK Prison.
He said once they finish their sentence they should be deported. Kibiru summoned the owner of the car on which the Ethiopians were being ferried to explain why the court should not take it away. He issued a warrant of arrest for Ahmed Mur Amir who was driving the car. Amir failed to appear in court yesterday.

Since the Ethiopians were arrested the court has been looking for an interpreter who understands Amharic and English or Kiswahili.
The interpreter was available yesterday. The Ethiopians told the court that they were going to Nairobi where they had been promised good jobs after suffering in their country for many years. Kibiru said they should have followed the law if they wanted to work in Kenya.

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