
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Egypt to announce Renaissance Dam assessment report end of the month

Official sources said Egypt is announcing the report of the international committee that is assessing the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam later this month so as to state its position to the international community.

The sources said the report draws attention to the side dam, which it said contains weaknesses in the design, and to the hydrologics design model and the storage lake, which it said entail negative effects on Egypt’s water needs and on the power generation of the High Dam, and bring severe environmental risks to Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia.

The report takes into account the specifications that were announced by the Ethiopian government, which did not furnish the committee with any financial studies.

The sources added that there is coordination between the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Irrigation to launch an international diplomatic campaign to explain Egypt’s point of view.

They also said Egyptian embassies abroad would continue to explain Egypt’s point of view, especially after the success of the factsheet that was distributed among foreign ministries and foreign media, which reiterated Egypt's keenness on mutual benefit without harm to any concerned party.

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