
Monday, August 26, 2013

NESEHNUTÍ: the stop arms exports to Egypt, to be followed by Ethiopia and other countries

In response to the recent bloody events suspended the European Union and the Czech Republic exports arms to strife-torn Egypt. NESEHNUTÍ welcomes this decision and also calls for a reassessment of Czech exports to other troubled countries. As demonstrated by the now published report on exports of military equipment last year , the Czech Republic with the consent of state authorities militarily supports other non-democratic regimes trampling human rights. These include the supply of military regime in Algeria, Ethiopia, Bahrain and Azerbaijan.

Interventions Egyptian army and police against protesters in which the last two weeks killed at least 900 people, re-opened the question of arms exports in unstable countries, or to countries grossly violate human rights. As pointed NESEHNUTÍ [1] Czech Republic Egypt armed the long term, both for the government of Hosni Mubarak, and after his resignation. According to the newspaper Guardian Czech Republic was also one of the leading exporters of ammunition in this country [2]. Czech arms factory supplied the country tens of thousands of guns just weeks before the occurrence of the military regime's massacres of hundreds of anti-government protesters . [3] The total volume of exported military equipment to the Republic of Egypt was EUR 5.5 million (approximately CZK 140 million). It is very likely that the bloody massacres in the country killed and Czech weapons and ammunition. The recent decision of the Czech authorities to suspend exports to Egypt [3] NESEHNUTÍ therefore welcomes and feels right, but it also points out that you can not only stay with him: " At the moment, the Czech Republic should reconsider also export to other countries grossly violate human rights. You can not wait to be somewhere with Czech weapons committed another massacre , "says Peter Tkac of NESEHNUTÍ.

According to statistics of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic is long arming other countries that are notorious persecution of the opposition, human rights violations or use of weapons against its citizens. [4] Military material for EUR 17.7 million, ie less than a half a billion crowns, traveled from the Czech Republic to Algeria . local regime harshly suppressed protests of its citizens acting against corruption, unemployment and poverty, the government punishes critical journalists. [5] Military items including several dozen howitzers also traveled to Ethiopia , where the situation of human rights far worse - under the pretext of fighting terrorism are persecuted independent journalists, limiting the activities of NGOs, suppressed freedom of assembly and expression. The Ethiopian government also forced vysidluje more than 1.5 million of its citizens, pro-government paramilitaries to commit extrajudicial executions and torture. [6] Among the countries receiving military aid from the Czech Republic, in 2012 first discovered the island state of Bahrain . regime has brutally suppressed anti-government protests, arresting human rights defenders in the country, the arbitrary arrests and torture of real or perceived opponents of the ruling mode. [7] Military supplies for 1.3 million euros (about 33 million CZK) Czech Republic went into Azerbaijani dictatorship . Since this country imposed an arms embargo OSCE traveled here from the Czech state and the nezbraňový lethal material and it also contains material categories and click "substances intended for riot control." It suppressing all voices criticizing the ruling regime in Azerbaijan arrests of opposition activists, expanding peaceful protests, intimidation of NGOs and media censorship regime in a country notorious and the deteriorating situation in the country pointed out in his resolution by the European Parliament . [8]

" arms sales statistics for 2012 show that increasing arms exports from the Czech Republic is associated with the direct support regimes and dictators who cling to power even at the cost of arrests, torture and killing of the country's population, where government. Their share of responsibility for the persecution perpetrated by the military supplies from our country and bears the Czech state and its representatives who supply weapons permit and approved, "says Czech foreign policy in this area of Milan Štefanec NESEHNUTÍ. " We call on the responsible ministries - in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - to reconsider not only the previously issued licenses for arms exports, but also change her benevolent approach to the use of
weapons from the Czech Republic to the trampling of human rights allows , "says Štefanec.

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