
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meles Zenawi: 5 things to know about the Ethio­pian leader’s death and legacy Washington Post

Ethio­pian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died late Monday while being treated abroad for an undisclosed illness. He was part of a coalition of rebel groups that overthrew former Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991, and he became Ethiopia’s president soon after. Meles became prime minister in 1995 and had been in power since.

Meles leaves behind a mixed legacy: His government was at times a strategic ally of the United States in the region, but his autocratic style garnered scorn from human rights groups. Here are five things to know about the late ruler:

He was a pseudo-communist doctor-in-training:
 Meles dropped out of medical school to join the revolution and, after becoming president, distanced himself from his self-described “intellectual communist views,” leading the international community to begin describing him as a “mellowed Marxist.”
“The ... provisional government unwaveringly believes that it can solve all the present problems together with the broad masses of Ethiopia. However, we can do this only if all the people come out in unison to implement our planned undertakings. Above all, let us contribute our share in our respective areas for the prevalence of absolute and complete calm, in towns and rural areas,” Meles said in a 1991 address to the nation.
He oversaw significant economic growth:
Ethiopia’s GDP grew from 3.8 percent in the ’90s to 10 percent in 2010, and officials expect 11 percent growth this year, Reuters reported, thanks to rising agricultural output.
Much of the boom can be attributed to foreign investment and the leasing of land to China and India, but the country also embarked on new energy and infrastructure projects under his rule.

Meles was a key ally of the U.S. in the Horn of Africa
His government allowed the United States to deploy Reaper drones into Somalia from a base in southern Ethi­o­pia, according to reports by The Washington Post’s Craig Whitlock. Between 2006 and 2009, he also sent Ethio­pian troops into Somalia to fight Islamist militants.
... But he has an ugly human rights record
One Ethio­pian critic, Assefa Seifu, called Meles “adevil incarnate,” the BBC reported.Human rights groups condemned him for sweeping crackdowns on dissent, including the deaths of 193 political protesters in street demonstrations during the 2005 election and a 2009 antiterrorism law that some rights organizations believe could be applied to any and all opposition groups.
More than 10 journalists have been charged under the law, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, and two Swedish journalists were jailed for 11 years on charges of entering the country illegally and aiding a rebel group, according to Reuters.
He leaves behind somewhat of a power vacuum
Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn will take over as acting prime minister, per Ethio­pian law.
“I would like to stress, nothing in Ethiopia will change,” said information minister Simon Bereket. “The government will continue. Our policies and institutions will continue. Nothing will change in Ethiopia.”
There is a chance, however, that Meles’s passing could lead to instability in the region. Several writers who follow the country have speculated there’s a chance Ethiopia’s political parties could struggle for power, or that Eritrea, which seceded in 1991, could seize the moment to weaken Ethi­o­pia.
“I think the threat about the instability that many are referring to is actually connected to the idea that he has been in charge of the country for so long and that he’s had an opportunity to make himself, or his personality, stand out to many of the goings on in the country,” Andrew Asamoah, a senior Horn of Africa researcher at the South Africa-based Institute of Security Studies, told Voice of America. “So [there’s] the fear that his sudden exit has the capacity of dislocating the arrangements of the quality of the country.”


  1. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What about Constitution " About Aseb/ Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " Equivalent to his Joke about Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " Join Me.........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.......Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality. Article 13 of the Constitution Which is Interpreted and scope of the Constitution or Article 15 of the the Proclamation no.175/2012 or Trinity Govern to Nationality (Tax) means Govern Tax or Tax Authority Which is O you believe! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those in Authority among you 《Qur'an 4:59》 Which is about Revenue or Article 95 of the Constitution of Ethiopia and also Announced Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopian for breaking Article 54 (3) or Concept of Equality by Article 11 of Federal income tax preoccupation no.979/2016.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong.《Qur'an 4:31》

  2. TRIT MOHAMMAD OMAR born on 30 April 1984 G.C in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO who graduated Degree in Tax and Customs Administration fighting for breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 and Who create income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate for the sake of Economic Growth, Political and Social Stability, Excellent climate and Soil Fertility ...etc has prove his Job with Visa Sponsorship Program by his profession Taxation. Taxation means nature and it's importance. The nature of Taxation is Progressive, Regressive, Proportional and Religious Obligations. The progressive nature of Taxation is give a chance to acquire European Union Citizenship. Therefore Trit Mohammad Omar for the sake of achieving the progressive tax planning awarded British Citizenship.

  3. The Bill of Right Life of Peerages (Tax Residency) Act 30 April 1958 for British Trit Mohammad Omar from United kingdom Great Britain Government saving $288.84 and Investing $229.86 and Blance $59.16 interpreted as if you are saving You are Succeeding and If you are investing You are Winning.

  4. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi said about Constitution of Ethiopia as " About Aseb/ Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " Equivalent to his joke about Trit Males to Mr. Males Zenawi joke " Join Me.........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru..........Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " as The Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality. .....About Revenue Article 95 of the Constitution of Ethiopian and also Announced Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopia for the sake of breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopian by Article 11 of the Federal income tax preoccupation no.979/2016.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque/ Church (Qur'an 9:18) than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong.《Qur'an 4:31》

  5. When Judge between people to judge with Justices 《Qur'an 4:58 》 Which is Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia breaking by Article 11 of the Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 from British Trit Mohammad Omar.

  6. The blind believer in the position of Man made Authority Chaltu Sani and a garbage Mind and leader of ignorance people of Ethiopian Abiy Ahmed are the greatest enemies of the Constitution of Ethiopia.

  7. The ideas of Interpretation and Scope of Constitution of Ethiopia gives U.S Government ( Trinity). 《Article 13》 of the Constitution of Ethiopia or Article 15 of the Proclamation no.175/2012 .

  8. Let me Analyzing the breaking of article 54(3) of the constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 as Qur'an 4:58 When judge between people judge with Justice ፍትህ የእግዚአብሔር ህግ በተሰበረበት በእያንዳንዱ ጊዜ የምጠይቅ ዘልአለማዊ ህግ ነው (አልማ 42:13-24) የእግዚአብሔር ፍትህ የኃጢአተኞች ከፃድቃን ለየ ( 1 ኔፍ 15:30) ፍትህ(ኢየሱስ) እና ፍርድ (ትሪት መሀመድ) በህጌ ( አዋጅ ቀጥር 175/2005 ዓ.ም) የተመደቡ ቅጣት ናችው (ት እና ቃ 82:4) ከእግዚአብሔር ፍትህና ህግጋት ውጪ የሚሆን ማንም የለም (ት እና ቃ 107:84) ኢፍትሃዊነት እና ፍትህ የሚያመለክትም እና ከእኩልነት (የኢፌዲሪ ህገ መንግስት አንቀጽ 54(3)) የሚለይ ነው። እኩልነት ማለት ለሁሉም እኩል ማቅረብ ማለት ስሆን ፍትሃዊነት ማለት ደግሞ ሁላችንም ከአንድ ቦታ እንዳልጀመን ተገንበን አለመመጣጠን ላይ ማስተካከያ ማድረግ ማለት ነው፦

  9. Let Me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb / Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " Equivalent to his Joke About Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " Join Me.........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru......Trit Meles to Mr. Meles Zenawi joke What I do care about what God say " as The Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including with Article 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights. Which is Bill of rights.

  10. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Article Which is Equivalent to his Joke About Trit Meles to Mr. Meles Zenawi joke " Join Me ...........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru..... . Trit Males to Mr. Meles Zenawi joke" as The Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights.
    For example:- Bill of right for British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 and Investing $299.86 with Balance of $59.16 in United kingdom of Great Britain interpreted as if you are saving You are Succeeding and If you are investing You are Winning.

  11. Let me Amazing Job with Visa on Sponsorship Program from United kingdom Great Britain Government Congratulation, TRIT MOHAMMAD OMAR, You are qualified to Work and Study in United kingdom on Sponsorship Program as Constitution is necessary for every country, It provides leadership to manage the government affairs, it desicribes the basic structure of state, It organs Legislative, Executive and Judiciary and internal relationships.

    Constitution is the supreme and essential law of every state Which cannot be forgotten, It is the duty of every person to obey the Constitution because violation of Constitution is a serious Crime. Therefore every government follow the Constitution and remain loyalty to it.

    The loyalty Quote:-" Loyalty is the most important quality in the person."

  12. Let me Meles Zenawi 5 things to know about the Ethiopian leader's death and legency Washington post is Progressive party poster produced by Tribune for LLC Election.

  13. I am established, have my permanent address or Usually Reside withiin United kingdom.
    Permanent residence address means the address in the Country's where you claim to be a residences for purpose of that country income tax. Therefore Trit Mohammad Omar which have saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing $299.86 with Balance of $59.16 for winning are Win and received a winners Arena.

  14. Recommendations and importance of Constitution
    Constitution is necessary for every country, it provides leadership to manage the government affairs, it desicribes the basic structure of state, Its organs Legislative, Executive and Judiciary and internal relationships.
    Constitution is a supreme and essential law of every state's, Which cannot be forgotten, It is the duty of every person to obey the Constitution because violation of Constitution is a serious Crime. Therefore Every Government follow the Constitution and remain loyalty to it.

    Having this idea in mind Trit Mohammad Omar who established permanent address or Usually Reside within United kingdom ( Permanent residence address means the address in the Country which you claim to be a residence for purpose of Income tax.

    The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights must be respect in every country. For example Bill of rights for British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing $299.86 for winning and with Balance of $59.16 in Court and Tribunal Tax Auidt in United kingdom of Great Britain.

  15. Let me Amazing the Bill of right for British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing $299.86 with Balance of $59.16 in United kingdom of Great Britain as Any Ethiopian or foreign national lawfully in Ethiopia has, within the National territory the right to Liberty of movement and freedom to choice his residence as well as the freedom to leave the Country at any time he wishes to and any Ethiopian national has the right to return to country 《 Article 9 (1-2)》 of the Constitution of Ethiopia.
    Have this freedom gives by Constitution of Ethiopia Trit Mohammad Omar has choice his permanent Residence in United kingdom of Great Britain ( Permanent residence address mean means the address in the Country Where you claim to be a resident for purpose of the Country's income tax)

  16. We required to Renewd our passport on 6 March 2023 G.C and make agreements to Delivered on 8 May 2023 G.C even if ordered on appointment date and place until 15 August 2023 G.C not ordered. Therefore this lie is neglect the freedom of Nationality of the Country that get by Article 32 (1-2) so we must applied the idea of
    Article 9 of the Constitution of Ethiopia.

  17. Let me Analyzing a bill of right Trit Mohammed Omar Saving $288.84 for Succeeding, Investing $299.86 for wenning with Blance of $59.16 in United Kingdom Great Britain Government and Establish my permanent address or Usually reside within United Kingdom ( Permanent Residence address means the address in the country where you claim to be a residence for purposes of that country's income tax. Do not shows the address of financial institutions, a post of box or an address used solely for mailing purpose as follows :-

    Recomandation and importance of Constitution.

    Constitution is necessary for every country. It provides leadership to manage the government affairs, it describes the basic structure of states. Its organs Legislature, Executive and Judiciary and internal relationship.

    Ethiopian come in to being in the name of Constitution, So the people of Ethiopia can lead their leves according to the basic principle of the Constitution.

    Constitution is the supreme and essential law of every state which can not forgotten, it is the duty of every person to obey the constitution because violation of constitution is a serious crime, Every Government must be follow the constitution and remain loyal to it.

    The Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 which entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 Govern the right to Nationality including Article 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Having this in mind Trit Mohammed Omar establish his permanant Residant in United Kingdom of Greate Britain for purpose of Income tax interprated as Any Ethiopian or foreign national lawfully in Ethiopia has, with the national territory the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choice his residance as well as the freedom to leave the country as any time he wishes to and any Ethiopian national has the right to return to country (Article 32(1-2)) of the Constitution of Ethiopia but we request to renewed our passport on 6 March 2023 G.C and make agreement Delivery date on 8 May 2023 G.C Even if on appointment date and place Until 17 August 2023 G.C are not ordered is not Violation Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia ?

  18. Let Me Analyzing What a hero Legend Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb / Prime Minster Meles Zenawi rest in peace What i do care about what God say " Equivalent to his Joke " Join Me....... Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic Group of Guru......... Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke" as Obey Allah, Obey Messenger and those in Authority among you" as It is the duty of Every person to obey the Constitution because Violation of Constitution is a serious crime. Therefore breaking article 54(3) of the constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 is a serious crime.

    For more information enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit Mosque/ Church or the heart of believer is the house of Lord context the Parliament of United Kingdom than click on Position Authority of Hadith than read deeply the background of British Trit Mohammed Omar the virtue of Quality what doing right and avoiding what doing wrong.'{Qur'an 4:31}

  19. We believed only in the Constitution whether we have a right to Received a passport or not ! 《Article 32》of the Constitution of Ethiopia.

  20. በፓስፖርቴ ጉዳይ ማጥቅያዬም ሆነ መከላከያዬ በጀግናው ጠ/ሚ መለስ ዜናዊ አስተምሮት ከአሁን በኃላ የሀገርቱ የበላይ ህግ የሆኑት ህገ መንግስት ነው እንጅ የቅሬታ ማመልከቻ አይደለም!

  21. The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 (Passport) entered in to force on 21 August 1995 .Article 6 and 7 (Context Article 32 ) govern the right to Nationality including Article 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights.

  22. ህግ መንግስት ማለት የህገ እና መንግስት ጥምረት ችግር የተፈጠረበት ችግር የምንፈታበትን፣ በጎን ተግባራት የሚናደቅበት አይረሰ የሀገር የበላይ ህግ መሰረታዊ ሰነድ ነው።

  23. የህግ እና ህገ መንግስት ጥምረት የሀገሪቱ የበላይ ህግ ህገ-መንግስት መንገድ የጠፈበት መንገድ የምያሳይ፣ ልኩና ማንነቱ ያላወቀውን ልኩና ማንነቱን የሚያሳውቅ፣ ችግሮች በተፈፍጠሩበት ችግሮች የሚንፈታበት፣ የዜጎችን መብት የሚናስከርበት፣፦ ያለፉትን ህዝብ ታርክ የሚንተረክበት መሰረታዊ የዜጎች ሀብት ሰነድ ነው።

  24. The idea of Article 32 of Constitution of Ethiopia done ont only for Ethiopian but also for Global Nationality.

  25. Freedom of Movement Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia or Article 13 of the Univesal Declaration of Human rights is the rights including not only visiting place but change the place( Mekelle Sima'atat Hawilit ) where individuals reside or work.

  26. Freedom of Movement Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia or Article 13 of the Univesal Declaration of Human rights the rights including not only visiting place (Mekelle Sima'atat Hawilit) but also change the place where the individual reside or work (United kingdom of Great Britain Government) British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing and $299.86 investing for winning within balance of $59.16

  27. Let me interpreter what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace say about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb/ Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " as British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing $ 299.86 for winning within balance $59.16 and established / Free port/ permanent Residence at United kingdom of Great Britain Government for the purpose of Income tax.

  28. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995 . Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 and 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights.........Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Article 95. Revenue a legal Authority or we can say that Citizenship Law

  29. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995 . Article 6 and 7 Context Article 32 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 and 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights........Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Article 95. Revenue is legal Authority or we can say that Citizenship/Nationality Law or Constitution Law.

  30. Nationality Law desicribes Nationality is the relationship of an individual to the state under international law Where as Citizenship is domestic relationships of an individual with nation. Ethiopian nationality typically obtained under the principle of Jus sanguine born to parent with Ethiopian nationality.

  31. Let me interprete what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace say about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb/ Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " Equivalent to his joke about Trit Males to Mr " Join Me.........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.......Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " as the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1/1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August 1995 . Article 6 and 7 ( Citizenship Law) / Nationality Law (Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia) govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 and 15 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights as Nationality Law describes the relationship of an individual and state Under international Law Where as the citizenship Law is a relationships of an individual with the nation. Ethiopian nationality typically obtained under principle of Jus sanguine born to parent with Ethiopian nationality.

  32. We can replace Article 32 of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia with Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights freedom of Movement.

  33. The constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia official text as published in the Federal Negarity Gaazeta of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1st year no.1 dated 21 August 1995. The constitution was adopted on 8 December 1994 and promulgate by the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia proclamation no.1/1995 which entered in to force on 21 August 1995 Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights ...........Proclamation no.175/2012. Revenue Authority or Legal Authority.

  34. የገቢ ግብር የህግ ማዕቀፍ እንደየአስፈላጊነቱ እንድ በማለት መጠቀስ ይቻላል!

    ማለቅያ የሌለው

    ደግሞም እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ተመልከቱ
    ዘላአለማዊነቱን የሚያሳይ ከእግዚአብሔር ስሞች አንዱ (ት እና ቃ 19:10-12፤ ሙሴ 1:3፤ 7፣35)

  35. Freedom of Movement

    Any Ethiopian or foreign national lawfully in Ethiopia has within the National territory the right to Liberty of movement and freedom to choice his residence as well as the freedom to leave the Country at any time he wishes and any Ethiopian national has the right to return to country. This is the concept of Passport a citizen can received his passport in appointment or social contract for example our Ethiopian Passport requested at 6 March 2023 G.C and make agreements to Delivered on 8 May 2023 G.C, Even if delivered on appointment date and place until the 20 August 2023 G.C is not ordered this one of violation of Human rights is featured by corruption, inequality, insecurity, injustice, discrimination and violation of fundamental human rights are the characteristic of Bad Governance.

  36. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " Join Me.........Qur'an Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru..........Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " as The servant of the Lord of mercy are those who walk gently up on earth. 《Qur'an 25:63》
    Which is climate change is one of the greatest crisis the world is face. ...
    ...................This guide is an urgent call to act to protect the environment and the look after each other and all planet. Which is ideas of breaking Article 54(3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  37. The last sermon of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Human rights

    The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his last sermon on the 12th of the last Islamic month of Zulhaji at the place of Arafat in Mecca. In his last sermon the prophet (PBUH) speak about the right and obligations of people prescribed by Islam. By all means the sermon can be considered as the first and the most comprehensive charter of Human rights in his sermon.
    The provision of fundamental rights is central to the concept of good governance in this Article I am highlight the right and duties enshrined in the last sermon of Muhammad.

  38. The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad
    The Great character of Human rights
    " O people lend me an attentive ear, for I know not where after this year. I shall ever be among you again .................................All those who listen to me shall pass in my words to other and those to other again, and my the last ones understanding my words better than those who listen to me directly be my witness, O Allah that I have conveyed you message to.

    1)Muslim, Vol 2, Hadith 456
    2 ) Bulkar, Vol.1, Hadith 69, 1670, 1672, 1673 Vol. 3 Hadith 1723

  39. Freedom of Movement Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia or Article 13 of Universal Declaration of Human rights.

    Some people and Organizations advocated extension of the freedom of Movement - or Migration between the countries. The freedom of Movement is restricted in a variety of ways by various government anyway even vary with in the territory of a single country such restrictions are generally based on public health ordered or safety justification and postulate that the right to these constitution preempt the nation of freedom of Movement.

    For example British Trit Mohammad Omar and HMRC United kingdom.

  40. Let me Analyze Article 32 of the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia or Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights as The Constitution right to travel EUROPEAN UNION .
    Which British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and $299.84 investing for winning within balance of $59.16 in United kingdom of Great Britain Context Person and Organizations free movement or Global passport.

  41. Let me Amazing Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia proclamation no.1/1995 which entered in to force on 21 August 1995 Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights as Constitution Law /Nationality Law / Citizenship/ with International Law or Global Law United kingdom House of Lord for Citizen right the message from parliament to British Trit Mohammad Omar on 19/08/2023 G.C to British Trit Mohammad Omar at Email:- Therefore to applied Constitution of Ethiopia we are Declared Article 9 (2) of the Constitution of Ethiopia.

  42. The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.1/1995 entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights which is Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia............ Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Article 95. Revenue .Therefore All Citizen, Organs of state, Political Organizations, other associations as well as their official duty to ensure observance of the Constitution and Obey it.

    Which is what a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi said about Constitution "About Aseb / Prime minister rest in peace " Equivalent to his joke about Trit Males " Join Me..........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.........Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 (Revenue) for succeeding, Where as our hero Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace investing for for Economic Development of the Country. In General we can say Trit Males (Trinity)

  43. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb port/ or Passport/ Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do what do I care about what God say " Equivalent to his joke about Trit Males " Join Me...........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.........Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad and Human rights and Human rights as British Trit Mohammad Omar saving for $288.84 for succeeding and a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace invested to the development of the Country. We join as Trit Meles (Trinity) two opposite things which Revenue and investing.

  44. The Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.1/1995 entered in to force on 21 August 1995 . Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights or Article 32 of the Constitution of Ethiopia..............The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Article 95(Revenues) which proclamation no.175/2012 or Legal Authority.

  45. We, the Nations, Nationality and People of Ethiopia

    Strongle committed, in full and free exercise of our right to self determination to build a political community founded on the rule of law and capable of ensuring a lasting a Democratic order and advancing our economic and social development.

    Further convinceed................Detrmined to consolidate as a lasting legacy the peace and the prospect of Democratic order which our struggle and sacrifice have brought about.

  46. Government of Ethiopia

    Constitution of Ethiopia

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    Contract and agreements

    Court We make agreements between Ethiopia to Renewd passport on 6 March 2023 G.C and a delivery date on 8 May 2023 G.C Even if Ordered at appointment date and Place until 21 August 2023 G.C is not ordered to appointment place and date, Therefore Ethiopia Or Abiy Ahmed Structure are punished the Constitution and dis obey to the Constitution.

  47. Government of Ethiopia
    Constitution of Ethiopia
    Related categories:- Contract and Agreements >~~~Court
    We are make an agreements to Renewd Our Ethiopian Passport on 6 March 2023 G.C and Delivery date 8 May 2023 G.C, Even if delivered on appointment date and place until the 21 August 2023 G.C is not ordered. So Government of Abiy Ahmed made a Punished our Constitution of Ethiopia and dis obey to it.

  48. We, the nation's, Nationality and People of Ethiopia.
    Strongly committed, in full and free exercise of our right to self determination to build a political community founded on the rule of law and capable of ensuring a lasting peace, guaranteeing a Democratic order and advancing our economic and social development.
    Further convinceed that by continuing.......................................Determined to consolidate as a lasting legacy the peace and the prospect of Democratic order which our struggle and sacrifice have brought about.

  49. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia shall have a parliamentary form of government Article 46, State of Federation, The current constitution of Ethiopia which is the supreme law of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Came in to force on 21 August 1995 . Article 6 and 7 /Citizenship/ govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights or Article 32 of the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

  50. Let me Amazing British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84(Revenue) for succeeding and a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace investing (Used for Public or Economic development) $299.86 for winning and with Balance of $59.16 as Qur'an Surah yassen last verses and their Significance

    These verse of the Qur'an were revealed at the time when non believer s of makkah asked the holy Prophet that how could they become alive after dir. In those verses Allah asked they people how the came in to being for the first time.
    Allah mentioned that it is not difficult for him to do such things and that he is omnitho potent, powerful and supreme and non can equal him. He is the master who gives order and commands that are to be fulfilled meaning that Criterion or Tax planning or quality to do such things.

  51. Constitution of Ethiopia by the Government of Ethiopia

    Ethiopia has had four constitution throughout its history: The 1931 Version, the 1995 Version, the 1987 Version which is currently in effect until the adoption of first of these constitution the concepts of Ethiopian government had been codified in the Kibra Nagast (Which presented the concept that the ligitmarcy of the emperior of Ethiopia was based on it asserted descent from king Solomon of ancient Israel) and the Fetu Nagast ( a legal code used in Ethiopia at least as early as 1450 to define the right and responsibility of defined by Ethiopia Orthodox.

    Related Categories

    Contract and Agreements Court.

  52. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia by Government of Ethiopia
    Ethiopia has had four constitution throughout its history:- The 1931 Version, the 1955 Version, The 1987 Version and the 1995 Version. Which currently in effect until the adoption of first of these constitution the concept of Ethiopian government had been codified in the Kibra Nagast (Which presented the concept that the legitimacy of the Emperior of Ethiopia was based on the it's asserted descent from king Solomon of ancient Israel and the Fetus Nagast ( a legal code used in Ethiopia at least as early 1450 to determine the right and responsibility that monarch and Subjects as defined by Ethiopia Orthodox.

    Related categories Court
    Contract and agreements
    For example:- Trit Mohammad Omar was requested to Renewd his Ethiopia Passport on 6 March 2023 G.C as follows:-
    Requested type:- Renewd, Delivery date 8 May 2023(Rights) Requested mode:- Normal, Requested status:- payment completed ( Responsibility) and Applications no.TR25382322126831
    Even if delivered on appointment date and place until 21 August 2023 G.C is not ordered. Therefore Ethiopia make punishment on Citizen.

  53. The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.1/1995 entered in to force on 21 August 1995. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights............for purpose of Sub Article 3 of the are the phrase forced or compulsory..................Article 54 of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

  54. Let me Analysis British Trit Mohammed Omar Saving $288.84 for succeeding and a hero Legend Prime Minister Meles Zenawi rest in peace in heaven Investing $299.86 for Winning and $59.16 balance is Article 93-100 Ethiopian constitution 1995 The federal Government and the state shall the federal arrangment revenue taking in to account.

  55. Let me Amazing An act to make provision for the creation of life Peerages carring the right to sit and vote in the have of Lord [30 April 1958] as Law of council of Ministers by-law of the council of Ministers shall stipulate their right, The council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority and the king is prime minister.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  56. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia " About Aseb Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " and violation of Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 and also Trit Mohammad Omar requested to Renewd Ethiopian Passport on 6 March 2023 and make agreements to Delivered or received on 8 May 2023 .Even if delivered on appointment date and place until 24 August 2023. This punishment violation of Article 32 freedom of Movement of the Citizens also breaking Article 9 (2) of the Constitution of Ethiopia obey the law of land country living in.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》 Or the ideas of Law of Council of Ministers article 17 .

  57. According to the Law of council of Ministers Prime minister meaning that a person who have primarily source of Revenue, So Abiy is not prime minister it may be other things.

  58. According to the law of council Prime minister is a person who have primarily source of Revenue.
    For example British Trit Mohammad Omar who fighting for breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016

  59. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said that " Join Me.................Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru..........Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " as Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopia which is council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority (British Trit Mohammad Omar) and the king is the prime minister ( A hero Legend PM Males Zenawi Estes)

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  60. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said that "Join Me............Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.............Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " as Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopia. Which is the council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority (Article 54 (3) British Trit Mohammad Omar and the king is the prime minister ( A hero Legend PM Males Zenawi Asres ).

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  61. Let me Amazing O you believer! Obey Allah, Obey Messenger And those in Authority among you.《 Qur'an 4:59》 as follows:- The council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority or British Trit Mohammad Omar or Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia that regulated the first class upper boundaries of income tax bracket and the king is the prime minister or a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace. 《Article 93 》 of the Constitution of Ethiopia.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong.《Qur'an 4:31》

  62. This is what our legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said " Join Me...........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.........Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke "

  63. This is what a hero Legend PM said "join me.....Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru....Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke "

  64. This is what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said " Join Me....Qur and Hadith Miracles.The Islamic group of Guru...Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke "

  65. This is what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " Join Me.......Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.....Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopia which is Equivalent to Qur'an 4:58-59.

  66. Let me Analzing the saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing by a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace $299.86 with a balance of $59.16 as we have to find a sustainable way of investing and consuming this massive surplus saving if we are overcoming the lack of demand.

  67. Let me Amazing When entere Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》 as a National Tax Regulatory Authority About Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopia Income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate regulated by Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia Trit Meles first country global to Authorize emergency use of Qur'an and Hadith.

  68. Council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority ( British Trit Mohammad Omar or Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia that regulated the first upper class boundaries of income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate) and A hero Legend Males Zenawi Asres the king or Allah / God is a Prime minister. Under Article 17 Council of Ministers British Trit Mohammad Omar combined to A hero Legend PM Males Zenawi and God/ Allah SET by his action 《 Qur'an 9:18》

  69. Article 93 of the Constitution of Ethiopia Council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority ( Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia regulated the first upper class boundaries of income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate or British Trit Mohammad Omar and a king is the prime minister or God/ Allah SWT is a king, a Prime minister which is a primary source of Revenue.

  70. What does the Prime Minister do ?

    The prime minister leads the government and is appointed by the Monarch. Normally he or she is also lead of the party that win a general election.
    Ultimately, the prime minister is responsible for all government policy and decisions.
    It's also their job to choose members of the government Knows as Ministers.
    Mr Truss will be the shortest serving prime minister in British history. The most senior figures are called cabinet minister. The lead government department such as the Treasury and Home office. The prime minister can at any time hire and fire ministers. They can also abolish government department or create new ones. Along side the chancellor the prime minister is in charge of Tax-and-spending policy.
    The prime minister and their Ministers can also bring in new law as long as they are backed by parliament.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  71. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb / Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace What I do care about what God say " as Constitution Authority Constitution concerns:function:
    Enumerated power- specific Government of Authority to Federal Government, Limited on Government Action Bill of rights and other protection, Tree main function:- Regulated r/ship b/n Government and Citizens, Regulate R/ship b/n Federal Government and States, Regulate R/ship among branches of Federal government and Reconcile with British Trit Mohammad Omar Tribunal dismissed security guards claim those his Qur'an was thrown " in the bin by his employer which function of Bill of rights.

  72. Let me Amazing context Bill of Rights Trit Mohammad Omar requested to Renewd his Ethiopian Passport on 6 March 2023 G.C and make, Requested mode:- Normal, Requested State :- payment completed and Applications Number :- TR25382322126831 agreements to Delivered/ Received on 8 May 2023 G.C at Kadanchis post office, Even if delivered on appointment date and place until the 27 August 2023 G.C not ordered to appointment place and date.This punishment when Approved by Constitution of Ethiopia as Ethiopia has had four constitution throughout its history. The 1931 Version, The 1955 Version, The 1987 Version and 1995 Version:- which is the s currently in facts until the adoption of first of these constitution the concept of Ethiopian government had been codified in the Kebra Nagast ( Which presented the concept that the ligitmarcy of the emperor of Ethiopia was based on it's asserted descent from king Solomon of ancient Israel) and the Fetha Nagast ( a legal code used in Ethiopia at least as early as 1450 to define the right and responsibility of The Monarch and Subjects as defined by Ethiopian Orthodox
    Good press
    Release date April 11, 2021
    ISBN:- 4064066458898
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  73. Let me Amazing British Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing and a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace investing $299.86 with Balance of $59.16 as Surah Al-inshirah is the light that Allah deposit with the hearts of seeking to open towards the Muhammad haqqiaq (reality) 《Qur'an 94:1-7》

  74. Let me Amazing Congratulations, TRIT MOHAMMAD OMAR, You are qualified to Work and Study in United kingdom ....Your Visa Sponsorship has been Successfully and Your Salary has been allocated 《Qur'an 94:5-6》 as Approval of O you believe! Obey Allah and those in Authority among you. If disagreed over anything refer in to Allah and his messenger that is the best way and best result.《Qur'an 4:59》

  75. Let me Analzing Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia as Qur'an 5:42 Allah loves those who judge in Equity. 《Qur'an 5:42》

  76. Qur'an 94 The level of hearts
    Lataif al qalb is the study of Divinel heart, So then it means this study of the lataif where Allah qalb al mu'min baytur raha.
    " The heart of believer is the house of the Lord .《 Hadith Quds》

  77. Let me Amazing the Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia that regulated the first upper class boundaries of income tax bracket and Progressive tax rate of Ethiopia as the seven quality of Allah, Allah loves those who judge in equity. 《Qur'an 5:42》

  78. Home office letter confirms in the UK is statement of Nationality status.

  79. Home office letter confirms our status in the UK is an statement nationality status. Which is British Trit Mohammad Omar.

  80. Our Visa approval is Home office letter confirms our status in the UK is statement of Nationality status. Which is British Trit Mohammad Omar.

  81. Let me Analzing Trit Mohammad Omar permanent Residence in UK and also Saving $288.84 for succeeding and investing and investing $299.86 for winning with Balance $59.15 T he home office Decision Letter informs us when and where you are due to collect your biometric residence permit card.

  82. Visa approval is a Home office letter confirms our status in the UK is known as Statement of Nationality status issued by United kingdom Visa and Immigration. Which is British Trit Mohammad Omar.

  83. ጠንክረህ ከመስራት በፍት ጠንክረህ ማሳብህን እርግጣኛ ሁን የሚል መልዕክት ይዘንላችሁ መጠናል!

  84. Visa approval is a letter Received by Home office in United kingdom or Home office letter confirms our status in the United kingdom or any reference number of home office or permanent Residence Card at United kingdom or statement nationality status issued by United kingdom of Visa and Immigration, or National interest waiver in General British Trit Mohammad Omar announced by Visa and Immigration office at United kingdom of Great Britain.

  85. Let me Analyzing what a hero legend Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said about Constitution of Ethiopia " About Aseb / Prime Minster Meles Zenawi rest in peace What i do care about what God say" and breaking article 54(3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 as follows :-ምክንያቱም በዓለም ያለው ሁሉ:- የስጋ ምኞት፣ የአይን ዓምሮትና የኑሮ ትምክሕት ከዓለም እንጅ ከአብ የሚመጣ አይደለም። ዓለምና ምኞት ያልፈሉ ፣ የእግዚአብሔር ፍቀድ የሚፈጽም ግን ለዘላለም ይኖራል። (ዮሐንስ 1:16-17)

  86. Let me Analyzing what a hero Legend Prime Minsters Meles Zenawi said about Constitutionion of Ethiopia " About Aseb / Prime Minister Meles Zenawi rest in peace What i do care what God say" and Breaking article 54(3) of the constitution of Ethiopia by article 11 of Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 Permanent residence of Britsh Trit Mohammed Omar in United Kingdom by saving $288.84 for succeeding and a hero Legend Prime Minister investing $299.86 for winning with balance of $59.16 as follows :- ምክንያቱም በዓለም ያለው ሁሉ: የስጋ ምኞት፣ የዓይን አምሮትና የኑሮ ትምክሕት ከዓለም እንጅ ከአብ አይደለም። ዓለምና ምኞት ያልፋሉ፣ የእግዝአብሔር ፍቃድ የሚፈጽም ግን ለዘላለም ይኖራል የሚል ሀሳብ ነው። (ዮሐንስ 1:16-17)

  87. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights.Contents Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunal for acts violation of the fundamental rights granted him by the Constitution or by Law. Article 9 no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention or exile.

    Which is Trit Mohammad Omar was an employment of Tribunal Courts and Tax Audit Services in United kingdom of Great Britain.
    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong .《Qur'an 4:31》Meaning that it is Wisdom.

  88. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles " Join Me....Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru......... Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke as The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights. Contents Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunal for acts violation of the fundamental rights granted him by the Constitution or by Law. Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention or exile.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》 Meaning that it is Wisdom.
    Details:- The breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.1$1995 Which entered in to force on 21 August. Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 13 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights....Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia............Article 95. Revenue.

  89. Let me Amazing What a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles " Join me........Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru........Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " and also Job with Visa Sponsorship Program for Trit Mohammad Omar from United kingdom of Great Britain Government " Congratulation, TRIT MOHAMMAD OMAR You are qualified to Work and Study in United kingdom on Sponsorship Program......Your Visa Sponsorship has been Successfully and Your Salary has been allocated as The 1984 Universal Declaration of Human rights. Contents Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunal for acts violation of the fundamental rights ( Violation of Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.1/1995 or rights of Equity by Article 11 of the Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 ) granted him by the Constitution or by Law and Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention or exile.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》meaning that it is Wisdom.

  90. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
    This Constitution establishes a Federal and Democratic state structure (Arti 1) . All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationality and People of Ethiopia or sovereign power of Parliament.

  91. Let me Amazing Bills of rights which is Trit Mohammad Omar saving $288.84 for succeeding and a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace investing $299.86 for winning within balance of $59.16 as Life Peerages Act 1958 ( Residancy for taxation purpose) Bill (House of Lord)

  92. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles " Join me............Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.......Trit Males to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " and also about Job with Visa on Sponsorship Program for TRIT MOHAMMAD OMAR from United kingdom of Great Britain Government "Congratulations, TRIT MOHAMMAD OMAR, You are qualified to Work and Study in United kingdom on Sponsorship Program..........and Your Visa Sponsorship has been Successfully and Salary has been allocated and the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad and Human rights and Human Rights as the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights is the rights. Contents Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunal for acts violation of the fundamental rights granted him by the Constitution or by Law and Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention or exile.

  93. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles " Join me......Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.......TRIT MALES to Mr.MELES ZENAWI joke " as The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human rights. Contents Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunal for acts violation of the fundamental rights granted him by the Constitution or by Law and Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention or exile. So it subject to Law .《Article 29》 of Universal Declaration of Human rights.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》 Or the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad and Human rights. In his last sermon the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spoke about the right and obligations of people prescribed by Islam by all means the sermon can be considered as the first and the most comprehensive charter of Human rights in history. The provision of fundamental rights is central to the concept of good governance. Therefore as Article 11 of the Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia, People of Ethiopian are not obey the Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation no.1/1995 entered in to force on 21 August 1995 Article 6 and 7 govern the right to Nationality including Article 8,9,13,15 and art 29 of Universal Declaration of Human rights.

  94. Let me Amazing British Trit Mohammad Omar, Prophet Jesus, a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace and Allah SWT proclaimed by proclamation no.175/2012 as an employment status refers to the right and protections that employees are entitled to work.

    The employment status determines the responsibility that an employer owes to the employee. Wherever an employer hires new personnel, it is up to them to decide what types of employment status they are hires under.

  95. Is determine employment status is important?

    The employment status an employer choose will determine their relationships with their employee. They must choose one that will best describe the manner in which they are going to Work together. Therefore Trit Mohammad Omar who Employment tribunal at United kingdom of Great Britain choose by Holy Qur'an or United kingdom of Great Britain Government.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong.《Qur'an 4:31》 meaning that it is Wisdom.

  96. Legal decision on employment status
    A court or employment tribunal (Known as industrial tribunal in northern Ireland) can make a final decision on employment status for employment right purpose. They will look at how the employment relationships between the person and the business works in practice.
    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) May separately argue that some one is self-employed for tax purpose. This may be confirmed by the tax tribunal and the court.
    An employment tribunal or court may still make a decision that someone is a worker or employee for employment right purpose.

  97. The rule of law is fundamental to international peace and security and political stability to achieve economic and social progress and development and to protect people's rights and fundamental freedoms. It is foundation to people access to public services curbing corruption, restraing the abuse of power and to establishing social contract between people and the state.

  98. British Trit Mohammad Omar born on 30th of April 1984 G.C in East of Ethiopia at BISIDIMO who graduated Degree in Tax and Customs Administration fighting for breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of the Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2012 saving $288.84 for succeeding and a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace investing $299.86 for winning within balance of $59.16 has acquire European Union Citizenship for achieving progressive taxation planning system. A progressive tax involve a tax rate that increases (Progresses) as taxable income increases. It imposes a low tax rate on low income earners and a high tax rate on those with a High income. This is usually achieve by creating tax bracket that regulated by Article of regulation of the Constitution country living in group taxpayers by income range.
    Remember:- if there is no saving, their is no investing.

  99. The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Minority Rights

    The 1995 Constitution of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia ( hereafter FDRE Constitution) begins in its preamble polity as a composition of nation, Nationality and People of Ethiopia. It is clearly discernable in its wording " We Nation, Nationality and People of Ethiopia " This expression hints to the recognition of Ethiopia as the land of nation, Nationality and People of Ethiopia and with that implicity as the land of minority in whatever criteria minority may be defined in the Ethiopia context.

  100. Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
    All international agreements ratified by Ethiopia are an integral part of the law of land. Article 10 Human and Democratic rights.

  101. God Government means the council of Ministers is a regulatory Authority and the king is the prime minister. Context (Art 93) of the Constitution of Ethiopia.

  102. Let me Amazing what a hero Legend Prime minister Males Zenawi rest in peace said About Trit Meles " Join me.......Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru.........Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi joke " as The breaking Article 54 (3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia by Article 11 of the Federal income tax proclamation no.979/2016 Which is the ideas of Article 37(1) mainly addressing issues relating to children in conflict with the Law.

    For more information Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammad after searching visit Mosque or Church than read deeply and understand the background of British Trit Mohammad Omar the virtue of quality doing what is right and avoiding what doing wrong. 《Qur'an 4:31》

  103. If God say we study our Master from London School of Economic and Political Science ! Is that not my sister Semhal Meles Zenawi ?

  104. If God say we study our Master in School of Economic and Political science of London. Is that not my best Sister W/t Semhal Meles Zenawi ?

  105. All employees have an employment contract with their employer. A contract is an agreement that sets our employee's. Employment condition rights.

    This are called " terms of Contract"
    Employees and employer must stick a contract until it ends ( for examply ) by an employer or employee giving notice or an employee being dismissed) or until the terms are change (Usually by agreement between the employees and employer)
    If a person has an agreements to do some work some one ( like paint their house) this is not an employment contract us a contract provide.

  106. Natural Secular Society or Employee's and Employer Contract
    All employees have an employment contract with their employer. A contract is an agreement that sets out employee's employment condition rights.

    Responsibility, duties, Rights
    This are called the " Terms" of the contract

    Employees and employer nust stick to a contract until it ends (for example) by an employer or employees giving notice or an employee being dismissed) or until the terms are changed (Usually by agreement between the employee and employer)
    If a person has an agreement to do some work for some one (Like paint their house) this is not an employment contract us a contract to provide services.

    Therefore :- Trit Mohammed Omar (Via Natiinal Secular Society) is an employment Contract between Holy Qur'an /God /Allah SWT or The Government of United Kingdom of Great Britian and British Trit Mohammed Omar.

  107. Let me Amazing a National Secular Security as all employment have an employment contract with their employer. A contract is an agreements that sets out an employee's
    - Employment Conditions
    -Responsiblity and Duties
    This are called the "terms" of contract.

    Employee's and employer must stick to a contract until it ends ( for example employer or employee's giving a notice or an employee being dismissed) or until the terms are changed (Usually by agreements between the employee's and employer)

    If a person has an agreements to do some work for some one (Like paints their house) this is not an employment contract but a ' Contract to provide services)

    For example:- The employment contract is a Contract between a Government of United kingdom of Great Britain Government and British Trit Mohammad Omar and also an agreements between God or Allah SET and British Trit Mohammad Omar until to Talent Work visa stage 2 (Next terms)

  108. ከመልካም ዛፍ ነው መልካም ፍሬ የሚገኘው አይሉት የለም እንዴ ስለዚህ ለሁሉም ነገር ውድ እህቴን ወ/ቲ ሰመሀል መለስ ዜናዊ መርጫለው።

  109. እንደ ወርቅ ነጥረን የወጣን፣ እንደ አደይ ደምቀን የፈካን፣ መልካም አድስ ዓመት እያልን በቤስት ዌስተርን (Badic salary €70,000.00) plus የአድስ ዓመት የዋዜማ ድግስን (Other Beneficiary €10,000.00 Equal to €80,000.00) ጋብዜናል።

  110. British Trit Mohammed Omar a prospective EU passport holder.

  111. British Trit Mohammed Omar a prospective EU passport holder or Blue Card holder.

  112. እንደ ሳር ከጫካ ታጭዶ ተቋጥሮ በተመንግስት ውስጥ ያረፈው አብይን በጀግናው ጠ/ሚ መለስ ዜናዊ አስተምህሮት አፈር ማስጋጣችን ከሩቁ እንደታትየብኝ ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በአክብሮት እንገልጻለን!

  113. Let me Analyzing the age of Articles 54 (3) when about breaking Articles 54 (3) of the constitution of Ethiopia by Art 11 of Federal income tax tax proclamation no.979/2016 when Enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit and Click on Position Authority of Hadith than read deeply and Understand the background of British Trit Mohammed Omar Immigrant and Asylum Al System for granting UK visas is biased right group claim. This article is more than three years old.

  114. Let me Analyzing British Trit Mohammed Omar saving $288.84 for Succeeding and a hero legend PM Meles Zenawi investing $288.86 with balance of $59.16 in United kingdom of Great Britain iiiiiiias Citizenship based on Taxation.

  115. ህገ መንግስት ከሌላ ህግጋት ሁሉ የበላይ ህግ ሆኖ አንድን አገር የሚያስተዳድር ህግ ነው። ህገ መንግስት ሀገር የበላይ ህግ እንደመሆኑ መጠን የመንግስት መተዳደሪያ ደንብ ነው። (የህገ መንግስት አንቀጽ 54(3) ማለት ነው።

  116. Let me Analyzing what a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi rest in peace " Join me................Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The Islamic group of Guru...... .. Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi Joke" as follows :- ፦ነብዩ ሙሀመድ (ሰ.0.ወ) እንድህ ብለዋውል ከሁላቹም ምርጥ ሰው ማለት ለቤተሰቡ ሆኖ የተገኘ ሰው ነው" ፦ምንጭ ሶሒህ ብኑ ማጀነህ (1621)

  117. Let me Analyzing British Trit Mohammed Omar who saving $288.84 for Succeeding and a hero legend PM Meles Zenawi investing $299.86 with balance of $59.16 as Pension schmes offered by the government for senior citizens meaning that those creating income tax bracket that regulated by Art of regulation country Living in.

  118. ህገ መንግስት ከሌላ ህግጋት ሁሉ የበላይ ሆኖ አንድን አገር የሚያስተዳድር ህግ ነው። ህገ መንግስት የአንድ ሀገር የበላይ ህግ እንደመሆኑ መጠን የመንግስት መተዳደሪያ ደንብ ነው ( የኢፌዴሪ ህገ መንግስት አንቀጽ 54(3) ወይም እኩልነት፣ ፧ፍትህ እንድሁም አለመዳላት ወዘተ የሚያካትት ሆኖ አንድን ማህበርብ የምያቋቅም ደንብ ነው።

  119. Let me Analyzing what a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi said about Trir Meles " Join me............. Qur'an and Hadith Miracles. The islamic group of Guru........... Trit Meles to Mr. Meles Zenawi joke." Under Citizenship based Taxation about Citizenship by invtestment for several decades high net-wealth individuals and their families have invested in a second citizenship as an insurance policy Related to British Trit Mohammed Omar has saving $288.84 for Succeeding and a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi Investing $299.86 for Winning with in balance $59.16 in the UK.

  120. በኢትዮጵያ እንግልዝ ኢንባስ አናሳልፍም ያሉት ቁጥቃጦዎች ከመንገድ ላይ በትምህርታችን የታክስ እና ጉሙሩክ አስተዳደር ጠራርጌን ለማስወገድ አንድ እርምጃ ለመውሰድ ያህል Citizenship based on Taxation Related to our saving $288.84 for Secceeding and Our hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi Asres investing $299.86 for winning with in balance of $59.16.

  121. Trit Mohammed Omar who have the two country passport which is Ethiopia passport and United kingdom passport has dual taxes information.

  122. Trit Mohammed Omar prove his Dual Citizenship by his Profession Tax and Customs Administration which is Ctitizenship Based Taxation.
    For example Trit Mohammed Omar saving $288.84 for Succeeding and a hero Legend PM Meles Zenawi investing $299.86 for Winning with in balance $59.16 in United kingdom of Great Britain.

  123. Types of UK visa Status is Approval,Received and Refused. Therefore Types of UK Vtisa of Trit Mohammed Omar is Approval.

  124. information Required to Check Trit Mohammed Omar Job with Visa Approval on Sponsorship Applications Status
    1) Unique Application Number 1212-0001-3572-3098/00
    2)Immigration Healith Surcharge (IHS) Number IHS221297439
    3)Payment Reference Number IHS221297439 Wihich is even Exemption we need Reference Number.

    and also Add Passport Nnumber EP7717333 to check Visa Status to Passport number which is is Approval and also Types of Visa Status is Approval.

  125. Information Required to check up Visa applications Status for Job with Visa Approval on Sponsorship program of TRIT MOHAMMED OMAR from United kingdom of Great Britain as follows:-

    1) His Unique Application Number 1212-0001-3572-3098/00
    2) His Immigration Health Surcharge reference number is IHS221297439
    3)Payment Reference Number IHS221297439 which is Even if Exemption it needs Reference Number
    and also Add Passport number EP7717333 to check Visa Status with Passport number and his Appointment Number is GWF number is GWF073283040 and his types of Visa Status is Approval.

  126. For Our Visa applications payment go to the worldpay terms and Conditions and the Home office exchanging rate policy. Which is known as Sponsorship.

  127. The IHS allows immigrants to access free health care service of the UK's national health Service. (NHS).

    You will need to pay the immigration health surcharges if you are.
    - A national of non EEA (European Economic Area) Country.
    - Making an immigration application to work, Study or join your family in the UK for more than 6 Months.
    - Vistor Visa and Short terms visa for less than 6 Months is not pay IHS .
    You must pay your IHS before you can commplete your visa application. You will pay your IHS on an other website then return to this site to complete and pay for your application.

    If you are Exempt, You will still need to get reference number from the IHS website.

    Your IHS reference number will automatically be included on your application once you pay and return on this site.

    For reason Free access National Health care Service Trit Mohammed Omar need the IHS reference number IHS221297439 and for making an immigration application to Work,Study in UK and also Even if i exempt will still need to get reference.
    Do to this reason My IHS reference number IHS221297439 automatically be included on my Visa application.

  128. My application free payment
    Trit will be taken to the world pay website to pay for my application free. world pay will processes my according to world pay terms and conditions and the office Exchange rate policy.

    world pay is responsible for the to information and I enter to my website.

  129. Meeting your Tax Demand before apply Relatively Visa which is When enter Google account write Global Authority Trit Mohammed after searching visit position Authority of Hadith than read deeply and understood the background of Bŕitish Trit Mohammed Omar the Virtue of Quality what doing right and avoidĭng what doing wrong. (Qur'an 4:31) and (Qur'an 9:18) with our relative Visa Sponsorship of UK.

  130. Let me Analyzing what a hero legend PM Meles Zenawi said about Trit Meles "ጆoin me................Qur'an and Hadith miracles. The islamic group of Guru .. Trit Meles to Mr.Meles Zenawi ጆoke as Qur'an meeting tax demand before applying relatives Visa.
    Hadith:- Tax demand is defined as the taxpayer can submit the response online to outstanding demand by either choosing agree or disagree with the demandm.

    Perform the following steep for responds to the out stand demand.

    Steep 1 login to e-filing portal iec/ to portal/
    Steep 2 Go to the e-file....Click 'Respons to outstanding demand
    Steep 3 all outstanding demands will be displayed heire click on 'Respond hyperlink under respond colume.

    For more information Enter google account write Global authourity Trit Mohammed after searching visit the idea of Qur'an 9:18.

  131. Let me Analyzing about EU Blue card or American Green Card as ዮሐንስ ፫:27-30.

  132. The beauty of Allah's is Anatomy of tax demand and Creating I/ come tax bracket and progressive tax rate that are regulated by art 54(3) of the Constitution of Ethiopia, payment of fear tax ( created by Allah SWT)

  133. Meeting tax demand before applying relatives visa means that Trit Mohammed Omar Meeting with ( Via National Secular Society) than apply relatives visa.

  134. Meeting tax demand before applying relatives visa means Quran and hadith (via National Secular Society) or Tribunal court and Tax Audit Service at United kingdom of Great Britain than applying relatives visa than got Reply to Your applications from Home Office Uk approval letter is lHS reference number lHS221297439 and your applications Successful or means that Employment Status in tax law . The main types of employment status are Workers, employees, Self-employed and contract, Office holder and Director. Contact Acas ( or the labour relation agency in Northern lreland ) for ADVlCE about employment status or employees right and employers responsibility.
    Who is employees? Hiring describes the job, Right and Responsibility - Qualification period,Employment engagement, *Deduction from pay- employees and employers * Work place policy- Health and safety of workers for example Trit Mohammed Omar who have lHS reference number lHS221297439 have employment status employees right and employers responsibility
