
Monday, October 31, 2011

Gebrselassie receives Prince of Asturias award from Spain’s Crown Prince Felipe

Haile Gebrselassie, the multiple Olympic and World champion and World record breaking distance runner was the recipient of the Prince of Asturias award for Sport during a ceremony held last night in the Campoamor Theatre in the northern Spanish city of Oviedo (21).

 The award was presented by Spain’s Crown Prince Felipe de Borbon and was one of eight bestowed by the Prince of Asturias Foundation to individuals, entities or organizations from around the world, who have made a notable achievements in science, humanities and public affairs, and is considered to be the equivalent of the Nobel prize for the Spanish speaking countries.

 The foundation’s jury decided to confer the 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports on Gebrselassie for his sporting and human excellence.

 Past recipients have included Sergey Bubka, Hicham El Guerrouj, Hassiba Boulmerka, Sebastian Coe, Carl Lewis, Fernando Alonso, Rafael, Nadal, and the Brazilian Football Team.

 All winners receive a 50,000 euro prize, a sculpture by Joan Miro, a diploma and an insignia bearing the Prince of Asturias Foundation’s coat of arms.

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