
Monday, December 30, 2013

New Ethiopian dam won’t affect Egypt’s water supply: minister

Minister Mohamed Abdel Moteleb says a new dam in Gondar will not affect water flow to Lake Nasser
The construction of a new dam in Ethiopia will not affect the supply of water flowing to Egypt, said Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources on Saturday.

Construction on the Megech Dam, located near the Ethiopian city of Gondar, began earlier this month and has been allocated funding of approximately USD $125m, according to privately-owned Ethiopian Walta and its Information and Public Relations Center. The dam is planned to hold 1.
8 billion cubic metres of water when it is constructed, and will be used for irrigation purposes and drinking water for Gondar.

The effects of the dam have already been studied, said Egyptian minister Mohamed Abdel Moteleb, and have been presented by the Ethiopian government as part of one of the projects included in the eastern Nile Basin Initiative, an initiative that all Nile Basin countries have agreed upon.

አትሌቷና አሰልጣኟን ያፋጠጠው ‹‹ትዳር››

ከሁለት ዓመት ወዲህ ብቅ ካሉ ወጣት ሴት አትሌቶች መካከል በውጤታማነት የምትጠቀሰው ቡዜ ድሪባ ናት፡፡ ለመጀመርያ ጊዜ በኢንተርናሽናል የመም መድረክ ላይ ብቅ ያለችው በ2004 ዓ.ም. በዱባይና በሞናኮ ከተሞች በተደረጉት የ1500 ሜትርና የ3000 ሜትር ሩጫ ውድድሮች ነው፡፡

ከመካከለኛ ርቀት ወደ ረዥም ርቀት 5000 ሜትር ለመሸጋገርም ጊዜ አልወሰደባትም፡፡ ሐቻምና በባርሴሎናው የዓለም ወጣቶች ሻምፒዮና በ5000 ሜትር አንደኛ በመሆን የወርቅ ሜዳሊያ በማጥለቋ ተተኪነቱን እንደምትይዝ ተስፋ ተጥሎባታል፡፡

ለዚህም አምና በተካሄደው የሞስኮው ዓለም ሻምፒዮና መሠረት ደፋር ባሸነፈችበት የ5000 ሜትር ውድድር ጠንካራ ተፎካካሪ ሆና በመቅረቧ አምስተኛነት ለመያዝ አስችሏታል፡፡ በዓለም ወጣቶች አገር አቋራጭ ሻምፒዮና የተጀመረው የሩጫዋ ጉዞ በዓለም ሻምፒዮናና በአህጉራዊ ውድድሮች ተጠናክሮ እንዲቀጥል ለማድረግ ለዘንድሮ ውድድሮች ከተመረጡትና ጥሪ ከተደረገላቸው አትሌቶች አንዷ ብትሆንም ልትገኝ አልቻለችም፡፡

ምክንያቱም ለቀረበላት የትዳር ጥያቄ ፈቃደኛ ባለመሆኗ ከምትወደው ሩጫ ራሷን አርቃ ወላጆቿ ዘንድ መደበቅን መምረጧ ታላቅ ወንድሟ አቶ ገመቹ ድሪባ ለሪፖርተር ገልጸዋል፡፡

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Ethiopians Caught Up in South Sudan Crossfire

Addis Fortune 
A teething problem has continued to engage South Sudan- the three-year-old youngest nation of the world – as it enters its seventh day of violence. Already the disturbances have  claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including a young Ethiopian woman.

, according to the South Sudanese government, started as a “coup attempt” masterminded by the ousted Vice President, Reik Machar – the new kid on the East African block – plunged into ethnic violence within days.

The clash first ignited inJuba, the capital city, on the evening of Sunday, December 15, 2015, but quickly spread to other parts of the country, predominantly in the Jonglei and Unity states. Media reports suggested that at least 500 people lost their lives and 800 were injured in the ongoing crisis.

Since the onset of the conflict, fears lingered that Ethiopians living in the country would be trapped. This was given the fact that thousands of Ethiopians are living and working inJuba. The fears, however, have not come true to too large an extent, one confirmed death and a handful of injuries registered.

Police investigators in South Africa were so hyper

Addis Fortune
Police investigators in South Africa were so hyper sensitive about a kidnapping case last week that they persuaded a local journalist in Cape Town to stop writing follow-up stories, due to active negotiations with the kidnappers, gossip learnt. It was rare to hear of a hostage taking and subsequent bid to extort ransom from a businessman whose origin is a country known largely for destitution and abject poverty, gossip observed.

Solomon Ketema – a well known businessman in Addis Abeba, with a name in the hospitality industry – has changed such a narrative ofEthiopia. Solomon is known to come from a family in Addis Abeba who formerly owned a pharmacy in the Beqelo Bet area. However, his name is associated to running Chinese restaurants and a hotel by the name ofConcord, onSierra Leone St, which also includes a popular nightclub underground.

Monday, December 23, 2013

ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ካሽ ሬጅስተር ልትጠቀም ነው

ምእመናን ለሚከፍሉትና ለሚሰጡት ገንዘብ ደረሰኝ የመጠየቅ ልማድ ሊኖራቸው ይገባል
ድብቅ ሙዳየ ምጽዋት ማስቀመጥ፣ በዣንጥላና በምንጣፍ ገንዘብ መለመን ይከለከላል

በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን የአዲስ አበባ ሀገረ ስብከት ገዳማት፣ አድባራትና አብያተ ክርስቲያናት የካሽ ሬጅስተር ማሽንን ለገቢ መሰብሰቢያነት ለመጠቀም  ቅድመ ዝግጅት እያደረጉ እንደሆነ ተገለጸ፡፡
ዘመኑን ያልዋጀውንና ጥራት የጎደለው
ን፣ ለሙስናና ብክነት የተጋለጠውን የቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱን የፋይናንስ አሠራርና ቁጥጥር ችግር፤ ግልጽነት፣ ወጥነት፣ ተቀባይነትና ተጠያቂነት ባለው የፋይናንስ አያያዝ ሥርዐት ለመቅረፍና ለማድረቅ ያስችላል፤ በሚል በቀረበው የሀገረ ስብከቱ የሒሳብ አያያዝ ፖሊሲና ዝርዝር የአፈጻጸም መመሪያ ረቂቅ ላይ እንደተጠቀሰው÷ በማንኛውም መንገድ የተሰበሰበ ገንዘብ፣ ሕጋዊ የገቢ መሰብሰቢያ ደረሰኝ ወዲያውኑ ሊቆረጥለት የሚገባ ሲኾን ይህም በዋናነት በካሽ ሬጅስትር ማሽን እንደሚከናወን ተመልክቷል፡፡
የሀ/ስብከቱ አብያተ ክርስቲያናት የካሽ ሬጅስተር ማሽን ተጠቃሚ መኾናቸው፣ በገቢ ሒሳብ አሠራርና ቁጥጥር እያጋጠሙ ያሉ ችግሮችን ለመከላከል ያስችላል ተብሏል፡፡ በጥናቱ ላይ በመነሻነት ከተዘረዘሩት ችግሮች መካከል የዕለት ገቢዎችና ደረሰኝ አጠቃቀም ተጠቅሷል።  የቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱን የገንዘብ ገቢ ሰነዶች በሕገ ወጥ መንገድ አሳትሞ በቤተ ክርስቲያኒቱ ስም ለግል ገንዘብ ይሰበሰባል፤ በጠቅላይ ቤተ ክህነቱ የተከለከለ ደረሰኝ ጥቅም ላይ የሚውልበት አጋጣሚ ታይቷል፤ ከደረሰኙ /ለከፋዩ ከሚሰጠው/ የተለየ መጠን በቀሪው ላይ መጻፍና የግል ጥቅምን ማካበት ይዘወተራል፤ ዘወትርና በክብረ በዓላት በርካታ ገንዘብ ገቢ ቢኾንም በዕለቱ ወደ ባንክ ያለማስገባት ኹኔታ አለ፤ ምእመናን ለሚከፍሉትና ለሚሰጡት ገንዘብ ደረሰኝ የመቀበል ልማድ የሌላቸው መኾኑን እንደክፍተት በመጠቀም፣ ለቤተ ክርስቲያን የመጣው ገንዘብ ‹‹በየመንገዱ እየተንጠባጠበ ወፎች የሚለቃቅሙት ይበዛል››፣ በሥራ ላይ ያልዋሉ የገንዘብ ገቢና ወጪ ሰነዶች (ሞዴላሞዴሎች ሴሪ ንምራ ቁጥር) መሠረታዊ ችግር ተጠንቶ መፍትሔ አልተሰጠም፡፡

ቴዲ ከበደሌ ጋር ለ1 ዓመት ኮንሰርት ሊሰራ ነው

ኮንሰርቱ በጥር ወር በድሬዳዋ ይጀመራል
ታዋቂው ድምፃዊ ቴዎድሮስ ካሳሁን (ቴዲ አፍሮ) “የፍቅር ጉዞ” የተሰኘ  ለአንድ አመት የሚዘልቅ የሙዚቃ ኮንሰርት ለመስራት ከበደሌ ስፔሻል ጋር ሰሞኑን የተፈራረመ ሲሆን ኮንሰርቱ ጥር ሶስት ቀን በድሬዳዋ እንደሚጀመር ተገለፀ፡፡
ቴዲ አፍሮ፣ ማናጀሩ፣ እንዲሁም የሄኒከንና የበደሌ ቢራ ስራ አስኪያጆች ትላንት በሂልተን ሆቴል በጋራ በሰጡት ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ፤ የኮንሰርቱ የአንድ አመት ቆይታ ከቴዲ አፍሮ ጋር ታሪካዊና የተሳካ ይሆናል ብለዋል፡፡ “በደሌ ስፔሻል ቀደም ሲል ብሄራዊ የእግር ኳስ ቡድኑን (ዋልያን) ስፖንሰር በማድረግ ታሪክ ሰርቷል” ያለው ቴዲ አፍሮ፤ “እኔም ከበደሌ ስፔሻል ጋር የማደርገው የአንድ አመት የሙዚቃ ድግስ ጉዞ ታሪካዊ እንደሚሆን አልጠራጠርም” ብሏል፡፡

Ethiopia Swamped by Tidal Wave of Returned Migrants

Dwindling land access in Ethiopia is a critical issue for 80 percent of the population who make a living as small farmers. Credit: Isaiah Esipisu/IPS
ADDIS ABABA, Dec 21 2013 (IPS) - The return of 120,000 young undocumented migrant workers from Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia has sparked fears that the influx will worsen the country’s high youth unemployment and put pressure on access to increasingly scarce land.

As a result, a growing number of young Ethiopians are choosing to migrate to Sudan to circumvent an indefinite travel ban slapped by the Ethiopian government last month on Ethiopian workers traveling to Middle Eastern countries.
Esther Negash, 28, is from a family of nine that lives on a four-hectare farm dedicated to growing maize in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. She has been out of work since leaving school 10 years ago.

Negash’s family recently decided to use their savings to fund her migration to Khartoum in search of employment.

“In the last two months, there have been many people returning from Saudi Arabia. This makes things worse for people like me who cannot find work,” she told IPS.

No evidence has been found to back up reports that Nelson Mandela received weapons training from Israeli Mossad agents.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation says it has no evidence that the anti-apartheid icon received training from Israel's Mossad agency in 1962.

Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported this week that intelligence documents from Mossad indicated the spy agency had given Mandela weapons training in Ethiopia.

"In 2009, the Nelson Mandela Foundation's senior researcher travelled to Ethiopia and interviewed the surviving men who assisted in Mandela's training," the foundation said on Saturday.

"No evidence emerged of an Israeli connection."

አሠልጣኝ ሰውነት የቻን ቡድናቸውን አሳወቁ -አበባው ቡጣቆና ሲሳይ ባንጫ አልተካተቱም

-የሴቶች ብሔራዊ ቡድን ዝርዝርም ይፋ ሆኗል

በደቡብ አፍሪካ አስተናጋጅነት የሚከናወነው የአፍሪካ አገሮች ዋንጫ (ቻን) ጥር 1 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም. በይፋ ይጀመራል፡፡

የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ዋና አሠልጣኝ አቶ ሰውነት ቢሻው የተጨዋቾቻቸውን ዝርዝር ይፋ አድርገዋል፡፡ ከብሔራዊ ቡድኑ ጋር ከሁለት ዓመት በላይ ቆይታ ካላቸው የቅዱስ ጊዮርጊሱ አበባው ቡጣቆና የደደቢቱ ሲሳይ ባንጫ በምርጫው አልተካተቱም፡፡

በዋና አሠልጣኙ ዝርዝር ውስጥ የተካተቱት ተጨዋቾች ከቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ አሉላ ግርማ፣ ሳላዲን ቤርጌቾ፣ ደጉ ደበበ፣ ምንያህል ተሾመ፣ አዳነ ግርማ፣ ኡመድ ኡክሪ፣ ቢያድግልኝ ኤልያስና ምንተስኖት አዳነ ሲሆኑ፣ ከደደቢት ታሪኩ ጌትነት፣ ሥዩም ተስፋዬ፣ ብርሃኑ ቦጋለ፣ ታደለ መንገሻ፣ ሽመክት ጉግሳ ናቸው፡፡

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ethiopian debutants threaten Kenyans Dubai ambitions

kenyan runners have an imposing record of success in the major city marathons in recent years but Dubai is an exception to the rule. Ethiopians rule the roost when it comes to the men’s competition on this superfast course.

Kenya has produced a men’s champion on just one of the past six occasions when David Barmasai broke through on the international scene three years ago. Otherwise Ethiopia has dominated with their athletes showing an unprecedented depth of talent in the past two years.

By coincidence, both men’s winners were debutants at the classic road distance who promptly ran world-class times. Ayele Abshero broke the course record with 2:04:23 in 2012 and Lelisa Desisa clocked 2:04:45 last year.

Ethiopia hires French firm Lazard to secure credit rating-officials

Dec 19 (Reuters) - Ethiopia has hired French investment bank and asset manager Lazard Ltd in a bid to select rating companies and secure its first credit rating, officials said on Thursday, which would pave the way for issuing a debut Eurobond.

In an October interview, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn told Reuters that Addis Ababa planned "not only a Eurobond but other bonds as well" once it secured a rating.

Ethiopia has ruled out liberalizing its state-owned banks or telecoms sector to foreigners saying the revenues generated for the state each year were spent on vital infrastructure projects.

But a Eurobond issue would give investors, who have snapped up sub-Saharan sovereign bonds, another route into Africa's second most populous nation, which is keen to shift its largely agrarian economy towards textiles and other manufacturing.

Israeli Newspaper Claimed Mandela received weapons training from Mossad agents in Ethiopia

Top-secret archive document also reveals that Mandela was 'familiar with the problems of Jewry and of Israel' and that Israeli operatives tried to 'make him a Zionist.'
Nelson Mandela, the former South African leader who died earlier this month, was trained in weaponry and sabotage by Mossad operatives in 1962, a few months before he was arrested in South Africa. During his training, Mandela expressed interest in the methods of the Haganah pre-state underground and was viewed by the Mossad as leaning toward communism.

These revelations are from a document in the Israel State Archives labeled “Top Secret.” The existence of the document is revealed here for the first time.

It also emerges that the Mossad operatives attempted to encourage Zionist sympathies in Mandela.

Ethiopia's 'Festival of a Thousand Stars' Celebrates Diversity In The Cradle Of Humanity [PHOTOS]

Dancers perform at Ethiopia's Festival of a Thousand Stars in Ethiopia, December 2013
 ARBA MINCH, Ethiopia -- On day one of the Festival of a Thousand Stars, there were so many performers that the emcee had to rush them along as the sun began to set. “Aishe, ameseganehlu,” he said -- “Okay, thank you,” in Ethiopia's national language, Amharic -- as each troupe raced through its final seconds of singing and dancing while other performers waited in the wings.

There were 56 troupes in all gathered in the southern city of Arba Minch, or Forty Springs, for a three-day festival of music and culture. Each represented an ethnic group of southern Ethiopia, and each had a crew of performers in traditional costumes. The annual celebration centers around an outdoor stage ringed by microphones in the middle of a massive stadium; this year, thousands streamed in to watch the musicians, eat traditional foods and buy handmade crafts. The festival is funded by the Christensen Fund, a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco that backs bio-cultural diversity projects around the world.
Dancers perform at Ethiopia's Festival of a Thousand Stars in Ethiopia, Dec. 2013.
 Southern Ethiopia is one of the most diverse regions on earth. As a whole, the country is home to more than 80 ethnic groups and languages. The 56 featured at the festival all hailed from regions south of the central capital city of Addis Ababa.

Arba Minch is situated in the East African Rift Valley, which is often called the cradle of humanity since some of the earliest homo sapiens fossils have been found there. If the theory that all of modern humanity originated in the area is correct, then residents the Rift Valley boast a longer ancestral history than can be found anywhere else.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ethiopia says arrests five suspects in soccer match bomb plot

(Reuters) - Ethiopian police have arrested five more people suspected of plotting suicide bombings during Ethiopia's World Cup qualifying match against Nigeria in October, security officials said on Thursday.

The planned attack failed when two
Somali suicide bombers accidentally blew themselves up a few kilometers (miles) from Addis Ababa Stadium where soccer fans were gathering.

The men who plotted the attack were all Somali nationals belonging to the militant Islamist group al Shabaab, Ethiopia's National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) and Federal Police said in a joint statement, read out on state television.

"The plan was to hurl bombs at crowds gathered around the stadium and two malls, then enter the stadium and carry out a suicide attack," one of the suspects said on Ethiopian Television.

Nigeria's Ethiopians Protest Abuse in Saudi Arabia

While thousands are decrying the reported abuse of Ethiopian migrants in Saudi Arabia, one woman hopes to stir more activism in Africa
"I couldn't sleep. If you see the pictures... " Meseret's voice cracks before it trails off, before she lets out an exasperated sigh and swipes away the loose strands of hair around her face.

"As I am talking to you. They are suffering. Imagine, a woman getting raped by 20 men."

At that point tears flow down her cheeks. She wipes a few of them away. More fall down.

Against the heaviness of her sorrow, her voice rises in an attempt to regain composure. "The human rights community is sleeping on this," she says.

Saudi expulsions leave broken dreams in Africa and Asia

By Angus McDowall , Praveen Menon and Aaron Maasho

RIYADH/DUBAI/ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - More than a million people from across the world - managers, maids, accountants and labourers - have left Saudi Arabia since March, after years or even decades working in the Gulf Arab state, which sustains its own citizens with oil revenues.

Around 120,000 Ethiopians have been deported in the past month alone as part of a visa crackdown aimed at pushing more Saudis into employment to ensure future political and economic stability.

"We were kicked out of our homes and our jobs," said Mohamed Ahmed, 27, waiting with thousands of other Ethiopians at a transit centre behind Addis Ababa's Bole Airport after disembarking with a few bags from Saudi Arabian Airlines jets.

Like many others, Ahmed, who spent five years in Saudi Arabia after crossing the Red Sea in a fishing boat and trekking through turbulent Yemen, had to leave at short notice.

"We left all our belongings there," he said.

CPJ: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt Among Worst Journalist Jailers

FILE - Somalis and local journalists carry the body of Moqtar Mohamed Hirab for burial in Mogadishu, Somalia.
ADDIS ABABA — The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists says Eritrea, Ethiopia and Egypt have the highest number of imprisoned journalists on the African continent. The three countries are also on the worldwide top-ten list of worst journalist jailers.

A new survey released Wednesday by the Committee to Protect Journalists indicates 34 African journalists are in jails in northeast Africa.

Tom Rhodes, the group’s East Africa representative based in Nairobi, says the Horn of Africa is particularly problematic because the governments there do not tolerate dissent.

“I think they have been on this list year-in, year-out simply because of the governments’ lack of tolerance towards any kind criticism. Every time a reporter reports something critically, they throw them in jail,” he said.

 In Ethiopia, seven of the 34 journalists are in jail.  But the government here insists these reporters are imprisoned for violations of anti-terrorism laws, not because of their reporting.

Ethiopian 767 overruns after diverting to small airport

Ethiopian Airlines is examining the reasons why a Boeing 767-300 registered to the carrier landed at the small Tanzanian airport of Arusha.

Flight ET815 had been due to arrive at Kilimanjaro, following a service from Addis Ababa, but was unable to land.

Ethiopian says a "crippled Cessna" on the runway forced the diversion. "Hence the aircraft landed at an alternate airport," the carrier states.

But it has yet to explain why the 767 diverted to such a small facility. Nairobi's international airport is about 250km north of Kilimanjaro.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The story of a girl activist - Ethiopia

Every action for change counts, no matter how small, says Hannah. Photograph: Unicef
The Guardian
"I created a resource mobilisation project called Pencil Mountain that has delivered over half a million school resources to Ethiopian children," Hannah Godefa, 15
When I was seven years old, I visited my parents' rural hometown of Axum, and was staying with my grandmother. There was a young girl around my age there, and I became very good friends with her. Before I left, I wanted to keep in touch with her as a pen pal, but my parents explained to me that she did not have the pencils or materials to do so.

I knew in that moment that advocating for girls like me to have equal opportunities in education would be an important part of my life. I created a resource mobilisation project called Pencil Mountain that has delivered over half a million school resources to Ethiopian children.

Ethiopian maid found hanging by tree in Saudi

An Ethiopian housemaid was found hanging by a tree near her employer’s house in Saudi Arabia and police believe the woman had committed a suicide.

Passers-by in a neighborhood in the southern town of Najran stumbled across the hanging body and called the police.

“Police said the main appears to have committed a suicide.” Sabq Arabic language daily Sabq said without indentifying the maid.

‘Water wars’ continue to rage over Ethiopia Renaissance Dam project

(WNN/VOA) Khartoum, REPUBLIC OF SUDAN, NORTHERN AFRICA: Water ministers from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan are meeting in Khartoum to try to resolve differences over Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam. Egyptian officials remain worried the Nile project threatens the nation’s security.
Egyptian, Ethiopian and Sudanese officials hope to reach an agreement on the Renaissance Dam, which has angered Egyptian officials and brought forth repeated objections to the project.
This second round of tripartite talks follows a shift in allegiances among the three countries. Sudan has historically sided with Egypt in claiming the lion’s share of the river’s water and veto rights over upstream developments. But last week, Khartoum lent its support to Ethiopia’s drive to complete construction.
Ethiopian officials have tried to bring Sudan and others on board by offering access to future electricity generated by the dam. They argue the project should be seen as a pan-African effort.

Kenyan police arrest 33 Ethiopians in border town

Kenyan authorities on Tuesday arrested 33 Ethiopian aliens in the border town of Moyale in the northern part of the East African nation.

Marsabit County Commissioner Isaiah Nakoru said the aliens were arrested by police officers on patrols during an operation to flush out militias following recent inter-ethnic clashes in the region.

"The suspects were on their way to Nairobi via Marsabit when the police officers on patrol intercepted them in the border areas, " Nakoru said on Tuesday.

He said the aliens in their early 20s and 30s were intercepted in Arosa area with no valid documents to cross over to the Kenyan side.

Time to Bring Eritrea in from the Cold – By Hank Cohen

African Arguments 
After being part of Ethiopia for forty years, the people of Eritrea held a referendum in April 1993 and decided to establish an independent state.  The referendum took place in the aftermath of a thirty-year insurgency against two successive Ethiopian regimes waged by the Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front (EPLF). At the same time, an allied insurgent group, the Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), took over power in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, after the military collapse of the Soviet-supported regime headed by President Mengistu Haile Mariam.

Between 1993 and 1998, the two “brother” governments of Eritrea and Ethiopia, headed by the EPLF and TPLF, enjoyed excellent relations.  They maintained a common economic system that allowed landlocked Ethiopia full access to the Eritrean Red Sea ports of Asab and Masawa, including control of their own handling facilities for the transit of cargo.

The relationship started to cool in 1997 when the Eritreans created their own currency, the Nakfa. They did this without arranging to establish a system of daily settlements for cross border trade between their currency and the Ethiopian Birrh.  This could have been done through a facility provided by the International Monetary Fund. Without such a facility in place, the Ethiopian Government announced that all cross border trade had to be settled in US Dollars.  This resulted in a financial setback for Eritrea because of its limited access to hard currencies.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Is There Such a Thing as Agro-Imperialism?

INDIAN-OWNED A rice and corn farm in Western Ethiopia. Here, a farmworker.
New York Times 
Dr. Robert Zeigler, an eminent American botanist, flew to Saudi Arabia in March for a series of high-level discussions about the future of the kingdom’s food supply. Saudi leaders were frightened: heavily dependent on imports, they had seen the price of rice and wheat, their dietary staples, fluctuate violently on the world market over the previous three years, at one point doubling in just a few months. The Saudis, rich in oil money but poor in arable land, were groping for a strategy to ensure that they could continue to meet the appetites of a growing population, and they wanted Zeigler’s expertise.
There are basically two ways to increase the supply of food: find new fields to plant or invent ways to multiply what existing ones yield. Zeigler runs the International Rice Research Institute, which is devoted to the latter course, employing science to expand the size of harvests. During the so-called Green Revolution of the 1960s, the institute’s laboratory developed “miracle rice,” a high-yielding strain that has been credited with saving millions of people from famine. Zeigler went to Saudi Arabia hoping that the wealthy kingdom might offer money for the basic research that leads to such technological breakthroughs. Instead, to his surprise, he discovered that the Saudis wanted to attack the problem from the opposite direction. They were looking for land.

Ethiopia's Yegna – More girl power than Spice Girls

Whilst both Yegna and the Spice Girls were deliberately manufactured, comparisons between the Ethiopian girl group and their British predecessors are simplistic. Yegna are not in it for the money or the fame.

It's a cold and wet afternoon in Addis Ababa and the girls from Yegna (pronounced yen-ya) – Ethiopia's first and only manufactured pop band – straggle in late for their interview. Shaking off the rain from their umbrellas and clothes they greet each other warmly with smiles, kisses and hugs, excitedly chatting and giggling amongst themselves.

Out of the distinctive costumes they sport on the giant bill boards adorning the city, it's difficult to recognise Mimi, Melat, Lemlem, Sara and Emuye – the fictional friends from very different backgrounds that make up Yegna, the lives and performances of whom are traced in a weekly radio drama series.
Mimi is the streetwise street-girl, surviving on her wits. Studious Sara is stifled by her overprotective family. Melat is a sophisticated socialite with an attitude to match. Lemlem, a caring country-girl, is struggling to balance duties at home and her life in the band. And the effervescent Emuye has to cope with a physically abusive father.

Ethiopian women pay high price for US aid abortion restrictions

The Kirkos clinic, which performs abortions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photograph: Marie Stopes International
Reproductive health has risen up aid donors' agendas, but USAid rules mean NGOs are shying away from abortion work
Just 1km away from the African Union conference centre, and the international evangelical church in Addis Ababa, the Kirkos health clinic feels far from the politicking and religious opposition that continue to stalk abortion – one of the most contentious global health issues.

Outside, a blue and white sign displays the range of services on offer. Safe abortion tops the list, stenciled in big bold letters, followed by HIV testing, family planning and infertility treatment. Inside, the clinic's orderly waiting room is already full. It's 8.30am. Most visitors are young, between 18 and 25 years old, and nurses talk candidly about sex.

Ethiopian Business Man Kidnapped in South Africa

Cape Town - A Cape Town hotelier has been kidnapped outside his home and by Thursday night had been missing for 48 hours.

The police have been tight-lipped, saying only that “the circumstances surrounding a kidnapping case are being investigated”.

They said that a 60-year-old man had been hijacked outside his residence in Sea Point at about 12.50am on Wednesday.

“The vehicle was recovered in Langa on the same day,” police spokesman Andre Traut reported on Thursday.

“Due to the nature of our investigation into the matter, no further information will be released.”

Police declined to name the man. But his identity was confirmed to the Cape Argus by those close to him. They asked that it be withheld.

መድረክ ለምርጫ 2007 ለኢሕአዴግ የእንደራደር ጥያቄ አቀረበ

የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ አንድነት መድረክ ምርጫ 2007 ከመድረሱ በፊት የፖለቲካ ምኅዳሩን ለመክፈት ከኢሕአዴግ ጋር መደራደር እንደሚፈልግ አስታወቀ፡፡ መድረክ ባለፈው ዓርብ በጽሕፈት ቤቱ በሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ እንዳስታወቀው፣ የአገሪቱ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ ከዕለት ወደ ዕለት እየባሰበት በአደገኛ ሁኔታ ላይ ይገኛል፡፡

የመድረክ አመራሮች ኢሕአዴግ ምርጫ 97ን ተከትሎ የወሰዳቸው የአፈና ዕርምጃዎችና የፀደቁ አዋጆች ተጠናክረው መቀጠላቸውን ገልጸው፣ ኢሕአዴግ በዲሞክራሲያዊ ትግል የሚያምኑ ተቃዋሚዎች ወደሌላ የማይፈለግ አቅጣጫ እየገፋቸው ይገኛል ብለዋል፡፡

የግንባሩ የወቅቱ ሊቀመንበር ዶ/ር መረራ ጉዲና ከጋዜጠኞች ለቀረቡላቸው ጥያቄዎች ሲመልሱ፣ የአገሪቱ ፖለቲካ ሙሉ ለሙሉ በአንድ ቡድን ቁጥጥር ሥር በወደቀ ቁጥር፣ የማይፈለግ ውጤት ማስከተሉ አየቀርም ብለዋል፡፡ ኢሕአዴግ ለምርጫ 2007 በተለያዩ አካባቢዎች ቅስቀሳ መጀመሩን የገለጹት ዶ/ር መረራ፣ በተለይ ‘አንድ ለአምስት’ የሚባለውን አደረጃጀት በመጠቀም ኅብረተሰቡን ሙሉ ለሙሉ ለመቆጣጠር እየሞከረ ነው ሲሉ ወቅሰዋል፡፡ አካሄዱ ከዲሞክራሲያዊ ምርጫ መርህ የሚቃረን መሆኑን በማስረዳት፡፡ መንግሥት በድርጅቱ አባላት ላይ የማሰርና የአፈና ዕርምጃዎች እየወሰደ መሆኑን ገልጸው፣ ድርጅታቸው በዚህ ተስፋ እንደማይቆርጥ አስታውቀዋል፡፡

Friday, December 13, 2013

New horse ancestor discovered in Ethiopia

The discovery of a new species of horse ancestor that is 4.4 million years old was reported by an international team of paleontologists and biologists in the Dec. 12, 2013, issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Eurygnathohippus woldegabrieli was about the size of a small zebra. Portions of the ancestral horse have been discovered in the Middle Awash Valley in the Afar rift area of Ethiopia since 1987.

The most recent discovery of a front leg bone enabled the team to define the animal as a unique species. The bones discovered to date include teeth, foot bones, and leg bones.

The minimal fossil remains were sufficient to date the animal to 4.4 million years ago and to define the animal as a never before known breed of ancient horse.

This Ethiopian village has gained wealth, but has bred hostility

Public Radio International
Northern Ethiopia is rugged and poor. It is a place where people mostly get by as subsistence farmers. The government and international organizations like the World Bank have tried and failed for years to improve the well-being of locals. But then, one village went and did it all on its own.
The community is called Awra Amba. About 500 people live here in simple wattle and daub houses, and they keep busy in a variety of money-making activities.

The village has a mill, where grain is crushed into flour. There is a textile factory, where villagers make clothes for themselves and to sell. You will also find a café, a tourist hostel, and two stores that cater to people from outside the village.

With all of these businesses, Awra Amba has managed to pull itself out of poverty. Compared with the rest of the region, the average income here is more than
twice as high. Literacy rates are higher than in neighboring villages. Mortality rates are lower.

The forgotten disease - From Ethiopia slums Anne Widdecombe reveals Leprosy hell

Perhaps it conjures up visions of biblical times when Christ was healing the outcasts or maybe the final scenes in Ben Hur. Possibly people will think of the diseased ringing bells and calling out "unclean". Certainly everybody will recall that lepers were despised and shunned through fear of contagion and that they had to live outside normal society. But now?

Most people will say it is all different. It has been eradicated hasn't it? Leper colonies are things of the past.

In fact the only aspect of the above picture that is truly consigned t
o the past is the nomenclature. We no longer say leper colonies but instead talk about communities of people affected by leprosy and that is almost the sum of the difference. Far from being eradicated, leprosy is still found in 31 countries across Africa, Asia, Indonesia and South America. It is not even in decline with nearly a quarter of a million new cases notified in 2012.

More SA-bound Ethiopian illegals arrested

A GROUP of nine suspected illegal immigrants from Ethiopia are giving court officials in Gweru headaches as they struggle to prosecute them because they do not speak english.

The group appeared in court last week but the case was deferred to allow the officials to find an
interpreter who understands the Ethiopians’ language.

According to prosecutor, Bernard Nyoni, all the Ethiopians do not understand English.

“We experienced challenges in communication,” he said.
“The Ethiopians could not understand English or any local language, neither could we understand theirs. We remanded all the nine suspects in custody since they had had no known address. They will be coming back to court on Friday.”

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ethiopia's colossal human airlift from Saudi Arabia-AFP

Addis Ababa — When Ethiopia started repatriating its citizens living illegally in Saudi Arabia last month, 30,000 people were expected to return.
Today, four times that amount have been repatriated -- with numbers still swelling daily -- straining agencies to support one of the largest human airlift operations in recent history.
"We really need support. It's a very big challenge returning over 120,000 people in less than a month... It's an emergency," said Sharon Dimanche of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which is assisting the government-led repatriation programme.
"We have to save people's lives," she added.
IOM said $13.1 million (9.5 million euros) is currently required to support returnees.
Ethiopia expects 150,000 to return, but has been repeatedly forced to scale up its predictions as the returnees continue to flood back. Thousands -- some pregnant, traumatised or sick -- continue to land daily, many with tales of abuse and mistreatment.
"To live in Saudi is to cry every day," said Kamer Hajji, 36, who worked as a carpenter in the oil-rich kingdom for the previous four years.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

በዲዛይን ለውጥ ለባቡር መስመር የተገነባ የኮንክሪት ግንባታ ፈረሰ

Ethiopian Reporter 
በአዲስ አበባ የቀላል ባቡር ፕሮጀክት ከሰሜን ወደ ደቡብ በሚዘረጋው የባቡር መስመር የመጨረሻ መዳረሻ ቃሊቲ አደባባይ አካባቢ፣ ለባቡር መስመሩ የተገነባ ከአንድ መቶ ሜትር በላይ የሚገመት ግንባታ እንዲፈርስ ተደረገ፡፡

ቃሊቲ አደባባይ አካባቢ ለቀላል ባቡሩ መስመር ዝርጋታ ዳርና ዳር ተሠርቶ የነበረው ይህ ኮንክሪት እንዲፈርስ የተደረገው በዲዛይን ለውጥ ምክንያት እንደሆነ ታውቋል፡፡

ባለፈው ዓርብ ጀምሮ እስከ እሑድ ድረስ በኮንስትራክሽን መሣሪያዎች በመታገዝ ጭምር ሲፈርስ የነበረውና ከተገነባ የወራት ዕድሜ ያለው የቀላል ባቡር ፕሮጀክት ክፍል ጥልቅ መሠረት እንዲይዝ ተደርጐ የተሠራው ይህ ግንባታ ቀላል የማይባል ወጪ የወጣበት ነው ተብሎ ይታመናል፡፡ ድንገት እንዲፈርስ በመደረጉ ብዙዎችን አስደምሟል፡፡

ጉዳዩን በማስመልከት ከሪፖርተር ጥያቄ የቀረበላቸው የአዲስ አበባ የቀላል ባቡር ፕሮጀክት ኃላፊ ኢንጂነር በኃይሉ ስንታየሁ እንደገለጹት፣ በቃሊቲ አካባቢ ከተገነባ በኋላ ኮንክሪቱ እንዲፈርስ የተደረገው መጠነኛ የዲዛይን ለውጥ በመደረጉ ነው፡፡

'I have 29 children': The 'mothers' to Ethiopia's most vulnerable kids

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (CNN) -- On the outskirts of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in the dusty crowded neighborhood of Akaki, I've just been treated to a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony. The beans are roasted and the coffee boiled in front of you then served piping hot with a heaping spoonful of sugar and a side of freshly popped corn.

As I step out onto the dirt road to leave, one of my hosts wants to ask a question: do I know anyone who can donate some wheelchairs, so adults don't' have to carry disabled children on their backs to school anymore?

I wish I did.

The woman who needs the wheelchairs is one of the 20,000 volunteers for Yekokeb Berhan, a USAID-funded program trying to help half a million highly vulnerable children. The name means "Light from the Stars" in Amharic, and is meant to reflect the resiliency of children.
After spending a week working with the volunteers here, I have no doubt those wheelchairs are going to find their way, due to the resiliency of the adults.

Read more: Ethiopia's rock churches 'built by angels'

Saudi Arabia migrant expulsions: 'They beat us. I want to warn others not to go'

The Guardian 
More than 100,000 Ethiopian men, women and children have been expelled from the kingdom as labour rules tighten
Abdulla Shahmola trudges up the road leading from Addis Ababa airport to the outskirts of the city, his battered black suitcase balanced precariously on his head. Weariness and relief are etched into his delicate features as he heaves his heavy bag to the floor. "I have so many possessions that I had to leave behind in Saudi Arabia – a television, a bed, a fridge," he laments, adding that he is thankful to be back in Ethiopia.

Abdulla is one of hundreds of men, women and children steadily streaming from the airport cargo terminal, where up to 20 flights have been arriving daily from Jeddah and Riyadh since 13 November. A kilometre's walk from the hastily erected transit centre, which has been processing some 7,000 returning migrants each day, a small crowd, held back by federal police officers in blue military fatigues, waits anxiously for a glimpse of a loved one.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The politicization of Eritrea's economic migrants

It seems like every developing country in the world has economic migrant issues except for Eritrea. This is because when Eritrean economic migrants leave their country, they are falsely labeled as "refugees" or "asylum seekers". This unfair politicizing of migrants is kept in place to induce more Eritreans to leave their country by promising them a quick ticket to the West.

One sad consequence of this policy is the Sinai tragedy in which a few thousand African migrants, Egyptians (including police officers), and Western tourists were kidnapped and taken hostage by Bedouins of the region. But why were so many non-Egyptian Africans even in Sinai in the first place?

In 2006, Israeli officials did something unprecedented: they allowed Eritreans a six-month visa to work in their country at the behest of the Bush Administration. This was largely done to weaken Eritrea politically and military by inducing Eritreans of working and fighting age to flee their country. What ended up happening, however, was a flood of economic migrants from Africa (most masquerading as Eritreans) who entered the lawless Sinai region to get to Israel.

Eritrea's Football Coach Omer Ahmed and Eight Players Defect to Kenya During Cecafa Cup

The coach of the Eritrean national football team Omer Ahmed and eight of his players have disappeared in Kenya in order to defect, IBTimes UK can exclusively report.

The defection follows last week's disappearance of two members of the national team. The Red Sea Camels are in Kenya for the Cecafa Cup.

The players went into hiding in an undisclosed location in Kenya and are now seeking UNHR protection. "We are hiding because police from the Eritrean embassy are hunting us," one unnamed player told IBTimes UK. "The reason why we are fleeing is obvious and doesn't need to be repeated."

Ethiopia dam talks 'a success': Sudan minister

Ethiopia's Great Renaissance Dam is constructed in Guba Woreda, some 40 km (25 miles) from Ethiopia's border with Sudan, June 28, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)
Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia reached agreement on many issues raised by technical committee on Ethiopia's Nile dam during talks in Khartoum, says Sudanese water resources minister
Sudan's water resources minister has declared tripartite talks on Ethiopia's dam a success.
The second set of talks involving Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia solved many problems, Motaz Moussa said at a press conference on Tuesday.

The three countries were discussing recommendations made by an international technical committee on the dam project. It was the second round of talks.

Israel Follows Saudi Arabia to Demand Deportation of Ethiopians

Addis Fortune
Unlike those deported from Saudi, these migrants could get a total of 35m Br in compensation
As Ethiopians removed from Saudi Arabia continue filing back into the country, Israel is also planning to deport 500 Ethiopians, possibly as early as January 2014.

Some 60,000 migrants from different African countries – particularly Eritrea and Sudan, which makes up the lion’s share at some 90 pc of the total – have entered Israel in recent years through the Sinai Peninsula. This has led to fears that the Jewish character of the country of 7.8 million is being threatened, as was stated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a speech in May 2012.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Nile Talks Highlight Ethiopian, Egyptian Split

CAIRO — Water ministers from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan are meeting in Khartoum to try to resolve differences over Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam. Egyptian officials remain worried the Nile project threatens the nation's security.

Egyptian, Ethiopian and Sudanese officials hope to reach an agreement on the Renaissance Dam, which has angered Egyptian officials and brought forth repeated objections to the project.

This second round of tripartite talks follows a shift in allegiances among the three countries. Sudan has historically sided with Egypt in claiming the lion's share of the river's water and veto rights over upstream developments. But last week, Khartoum lent its support to Ethiopia's drive to complete construction.

Ethiopian officials have tried to bring Sudan and others on board by offering access to future electricity generated by the dam. They argue the project should be seen as a pan-African effort.

Controversy splits city Ethiopian church Dissidents allege missing funds, bad governance, intimidation

Dissidents in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church on Mountain Avenue are upset that four members were banned from Sunday services in the church after they made allegations about problems in its operation. FROM LEFT: S. Abebe, M. Abebe, Berhanu Balcha, Lemma Mekonnen and E. Dissa.
A North End Ethiopian church has been riven by allegations of missing funds, bad governance and intimidation, and now the internal strife may end up in court.
Four dissident members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church on Mountain Avenue have received letters from the church’s lawyer banning them from Sunday services. In response, the dissidents, many of whom founded the local church 20 years ago, have made a formal complaint to the Canada Revenue Agency asking the CRA to investigate what they say is a board hand-picked by the priest, Aba Fikreselasie Tsegaw Terefe, who has rewritten the bylaws to give himself more power.

Saudi investors leave Ethiopia Al-Monitor

Saudi agricultural investor has warned about the failure of Saudi agricultural investments in Ethiopia and the liquidation of businesses due to the conditions set by the [Saudi] Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) to support and lend to investors in Ethiopia.
This is not to mention the negative impact of such conditions on the process of correcting the situation of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, including many Ethiopians. He revealed that some Saudi investors in Ethiopia have begun to sell their investments due to the impossible conditions set by the ADF for loans, in addition to the lack of facilities to export their produce to Saudi Arabia.

The head of the Saudi Agriculture Investors Association in Ethiopia, Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Shahri, told Al-Hayat that Saudi investors in Ethiopia have filed complaints to the Saudi king about the ADF conditions, which are in direct conflict with King Abdullah's Initiative for Agricultural Investment Abroad.

Ethiopian Cab Driver Murdered

MEMPHIS, TN -- Who killed a Memphis cab driver? Zewdneh Assemu was beaten and stabbed to death last Friday. His body was discovered next to his cab in Fayette County just before midnight.

Investigators are still searching for his killer.

Fellow cab drivers say it's a dangerous job and more needs to be done to protect them.

Assemu moved to Memphis from Ethiopia four years ago. He took a job with MetroCab to care for his family. He lost his life doing driving the taxi.

His family cannot make sense of such a senseless crime. His coworkers say extra security could help prevent violence like this.

"We all know that it's a very risky job," said Assemu's brother Bobby.

Knowing that danger doesn't make it any easier for him to lose his brother. He came to the cab company Monday afternoon for answers.
"Everything is under investigation," he said. "We'll let the process run. Hopefully it works."

The man who taught Mandela to be a soldier

General Tadesse Birru gave a pistol to Nelson Mandela as he returned to South Africa
BBC News 
 In July 1962, Col Fekadu Wakene taught South African political activist Nelson Mandela the tricks of guerrilla warfare - including how to plant explosives before slipping quietly away into the night.
Mr Mandela was in Ethiopia, learning how to be the commander-in-chief of Umkhonto we Sizwe - the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC).

The group had announced its arrival at the end of 1961 by blowing-up electricity pylons in various places in South Africa.
Then on 11 January 1962, Mr Mandela had secretly, and illegally, slipped out of South Africa.
His mission was to meet as many African political leaders as possible and garner assistance for the ANC, including money and training for its military wing.
And to be moulded into a soldier himself.

During this trip, he visited Ethiopia twice and left a deep impression on those who met him during his stay in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
'Made others laugh'
Col Fekadu said Mr Mandela was a good student
"Nelson Mandela was a very strong and resilient student, and he took instruction well and was really very likeable," Col Fekadu said.
"You couldn't help but love him."
Col Fekadu was a corporal when he trained Mr Mandela. He was a member of a specialist police force - the riot battalion - based in the suburbs of Kolfe, in barracks which are still used today.
He remembers a "happy, cheerful person" who "concentrated on the task in hand".
"He was polite, always happy and you never saw him lose his temper," he said.
"He laughed easily and made others laugh as well."
Col Fekadu says he was responsible for training Mr Mandela in sabotage and demolitions and how to stage hit-and-run attacks.
The day's theory lessons were put into practice during night-time exercises.
Mr Mandela was a good student, hardworking and physically strong - but sometimes too robust and too enthusiastic for his own good, the colonel recalls.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

የአገር ውስጥ ደኅንነት ኃላፊው ከእህትና ከወንድማቸው ጋር በድጋሚ ክስ ተመሠረተባቸው

Ethiopian Reporter
ከግንቦት ወር 1983 ዓ.ም. እስከ የካቲት ወር 2005 ዓ.ም. ድረስ የብሔራዊ መረጃና ደኅንነት የአገር ውስጥ ኃላፊ የነበሩት አቶ ወልደ ሥላሴ ወልደ ሚካኤል፣ እህትና ወንድማቸው የተካተቱበት ድጋሚ ክስ ተመሠረተባቸው፡፡

በእነ አቶ መላኩ ፈንታ የክስ መዝገብ 141352 ተካተው ክስ ተመሥርቶባቸው የነበሩት አቶ ወልደ ሥላሴ፣ አቶ ዘርዓይ ወልደ ሚካኤልና ወ/ሮ ትርሀስ ወልደ ሚካኤል ከሚባሉ ወንድምና እህታቸው እንዲሁም የቅርብ ጓደኛቸው መሆናቸው የተገለጹ አቶ ዱሪ ከበደ ጋር ኅዳር 23 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም. የተጻፈ ክስ በፌዴራል ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት 15ኛ ወንጀል ችሎት ኅዳር 26 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም. ቀርቦባቸዋል፡፡

ክሱን የመሠረተው የፌዴራል የሥነ ምግባርና የፀረ ሙስና ኮሚሽን ዓቃቤ ሕግ በአጠቃላይ 12 ክሶችን ያቀረበ ቢሆንም፣ አምስቱ ክሶች በአቶ ወልደ ሥላሴ ላይ ሲሆኑ ቀሪዎቹ ክሶች በጋራ የቀረቡ ናቸው፡፡

በአቶ ወልደ ሥላሴ ላይ በዋናነት በመጀመርያው ክስ ላይ የቀረበው የተጠረጠሩበት ወንጀል ‹‹Terrorism in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa›› በሚል ያሳተሙትን መጽሐፍ በሚመለከት ሲሆን፣ የመንግሥት የልማት ድርጅቶች ተቆጣጣሪ ኤጀንሲ ዋና ዳይሬክተር አቶ በየነ ገብረ መስቀልን የተሳሳተ ግንዛቤ እንዲይዙ በማድረግ፣ በበላይነት የሚመሯቸው ድርጅቶች መጽሐፉን ለማሳተም ስፖንሰር እንዲያደርጓቸው ማድረጋቸውን ክሱ ይገልጻል፡፡