
Monday, September 30, 2013

Ethiopia's 2025 ambitious plan

ETHIOPIA has experienced a 30% reduction in the number of people living below the national poverty line and a fourfold increase in GDP per capita between 2003 and 2012.

In an effort to capitalise on this recent success, the ruling EPRDF government has set out an ambitious plan to become a middle-income country by 2025.

Its five-year (2010-2015) Growth & Transformation Plan (GTP), costing US$75bn-$79bn, sets targets for economic growth and poverty reduction. Goals include the building of 16000km of roads and a 2400km rail network; the quadrupling of power generation from 2000MW to 8000MW, coupled with the laying of 132000km of new power distribution lines; and an increase in the number of mobile phone users from 7m to 40m and Internet service subscribers from 200000 to 3,7m.

Ethiopia opposition stage anti-government demo

ADDIS ABABA (AFP) –  A leading Ethiopian opposition group gathered Sunday to protest against the country's anti-terrorism legislation, the head of the group said.

We want the government to abrogate the law and to release all political and prisoners of conscience immediately, Negasso Gidada, the leader of the opposition Unity for Democratic Justice (UDJ), told AFP.

Several opposition members and journalists, including dissident blogger Eskinder Nega, have been jailed under the 2009 legislation.

The government accused the group of glorifying convicted criminals and said the threat of terrorism in Ethiopia needed to be taken seriously.

Ethiopian housemaid commits suicide

An Ethiopian housemaid committed suicide at the women’s ward of the Abyar Ali Penitentiary in Madinah on Friday.
The domestic worker had been in prison since the end of August, a local daily reported Saturday.
“The 23-year-old inmate was found hanging by her head scarf at about 8 a.m. She was immediately taken down and rushed to the nearby Meeqat Hospital, but the doctors there declared her dead on arrival,” said a source at the provincial prison directorate.
The woman, who arrived in the Kingdom as a housemaid, was sent to prison on charges of stabbing her female employer.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ethiopia can rewrite history

Nigeria and Ethiopia have locked horns seven times with the West Africans winning four times, drawing twice and losing just once. Though this may look lopsided on paper one has to remember that Ethiopia’s solitary win came against Nigeria’s best team ever - the 1994 Eagles.
In as much as it occurred a year earlier in 1993, the superb 1994 team would be the same almost to a man. As we know that team would be eventual African Champions and rise to be ranked 5th in the World which is the highest ranking of any African team ever.

Yet the Walya Antelopes against this star studded Eagles team that ironically included both current Nigerian coaches Keshi and Amokachi, clawed out a narrow 1-0 win in Addis Ababa.

So the writing for Nigeria is on the wall. Take the East Africans for granted and get nailed no matter how good you may be on paper or start studded a team you may have.

But let’s get back to history.

Water Wars: Egyptians Condemn Ethiopia's Nile Dam Project-National Geographic

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam along the Nile has ignited a water debate between Egypt and Ethiopia.
As the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam takes shape, tempers rise.

"Ethiopia is killing us," taxi driver Ahmed Hossam said, as he picked his way through Cairo's notoriously traffic-clogged streets. "If they build this dam, there will be no Nile. If there's no Nile, then there's no Egypt."

Projects on the scale of the $4.7 billion, 1.1-mile-long (1.7-kilometer-long) Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam often encounter impassioned resistance, but few inspire the kind of dread and fury with which most Egyptians regard plans to dam the Blue Nile River.

Egypt insists Ethiopia's hydroelectric scheme amounts to a violation of its historic rights, a breach of the 1959 colonial-era agreement that allocated almost three-fourths of the Nile waters to Egypt, and an existential threat to a country largely devoid of alternative freshwater sources.

Native Ethiopian and Covenant Soccer Star Earns Success; Pays it Forward

Girma Baker
Imagine you are five years old, living by yourself on the streets in Ethiopia. You are so poor you have no family, nothing to eat, nor a place to sleep at night. Imagine not knowing your own name because there was no one who knew who you were.

This was the unbelievable reality of Covenant soccer star, Girma, until a Charlottesville family changed his life.

Girma explained, "You would wake up in the morning and people would be rushing to work and you'd be rushing to find food to eat."

Girma had no family, no income and he didn't even have a name.

NBC29 WVIR Charlottesville, VA News, Sports and Weather

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ethiopia bans access to student's critical article

Abigail Salisbury is an enemy of the state of Ethiopia because of an op-ed column she published online.
Salisbury, a student in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, spoke about her article to an audience of about 10 in a “Let’s Talk Africa” lecture on Wednesday in 4130 Posvar Hall from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The Ethiopian government blocked her article, titled “Human Rights and the War on Terror in Ethiopia,” one day after she published it online.
While in Ethiopia, Salisbury noticed an extreme lack of freedom of speech and press for Ethiopian people and decided to write the piece, which criticizes the Ethiopian government.
Salisbury was working as an assistant professor at Mekelle University Law School, a small college outside of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, when she published the article. After the university administration discovered her article, Salisbury said the university “basically asked [her] not to work there anymore.”
“I was told that, based on what I wrote, that if I had been an Ethiopian person, I would have been put in prison,” Salisbury said. “I don’t think they want me back.”

Ethiopia confirm Nigeria date

Ethiopia will host Nigeria's Super Eagles in the first leg of the 2014 Fifa World Cup play offs on Sunday October 13.

The Ethiopian football federation (EFF) have said the match will take place at the National Stadium in Addis Ababa at 1500H CAT.

EFF Secretary General Yigzaw Bezuayehu said, "We have traditionally hosted all our home matches on Sunday and our game against Nigeria will not an exception as we will play the first leg at the National Stadium on Sunday 13th October ."

Man Asked 911 for a Ride to Ethiopia, Instead Receives a Ride to Jail

A man who reportedly called 9-1-1 from inside of Walmart on Old Fort Parkway asking for a ride to Ethiopia has been arrested. The incident was reported early Wednesday morning. Sean Williamson was said to be causing a disturbance at the customer service desk when police responded.

 Officers stated the subject appeared to be under the influence of something and wrote in their report, “Mr. Williamson admitted to smoking marijuana.”  Police had to carry the 28-year old out of the store. Once outside, officers were unable to give the man a ride to Ethiopia, but were able to transport him to the local jail where he was booked on charges of Public Intoxication, Resisting Arrest and the Misuse of 9-1-1. He will appear in court in November.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Challenges of Independent Media In Ethiopia: Tadias Interview With Ron Singer

New York (TADIAS) – In his upcoming book entitled Uhuru Revisited author Ron Singer features a chapter on Ethiopia highlighting a collection of fascinating interviews with Ethiopian publishers, editors and journalists regarding the ongoing challenges of creating a culture of independence in the Ethiopian press. The book will be released in November by Africa World Press/Red Sea Press.

In an interview with Tadias Magazine, Singer said that two of the other nine chapters in the book focus on the massive corruption culture in Nigeria and the state of media in Kenya. “By many accounts, the country has been backsliding from its past reputation as Africa’a beacon of free media,” Singer says, referring to Kenya. Chaacha Mwita, former managing editor of The Standard, Kenya’s second-largest daily newspaper, shared a first-hand account of the infamous government raid on their offices during the 2007–08 election. In addition, the famous Kenyan whistle-blower, John Githongo, speaks about the growing monopoly of mass communication by politicians and wealthy businessmen, not just in Kenya, but in many countries beyond Africa.

ICC Rejects Ethiopia, Nigeria Applications

The ICC Appeals Chambers has rejected an application by Nigeria and Ethiopia to be enjoined in the Kenyan cases as friends of the court.
The Appeals Chamber noted that the two countries' applications were similar to those of Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Eritrea and Uganda.
The five African states had applied for the same and were granted leave to take part in the application in which Deputy President William Ruto wants to be excused from attending all the sessions in his trial.

The applications were submitted to the Appeals Court on the 18th September 2013.

Nigeria vs Ethiopia head-to-head

Said scores against Enyeama in a 2012 Nations Cup qualifier gives a detailed recap of previous clashes between 2014 World Cup rivals Nigeria and Ethiopia.

Altogether, both teams have met seven times with Nigeria winning four of these matches.
Ethiopia recorded a famous victory over their more illustrious opponents in a 1994 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier, while two other matches between them ended in draws.

1982 Nations Cup Finals – Nigeria 3 Ethiopia 0
The first meeting between both countries was at the 1982 AFCON in Libya, where Nigeria thrashed Ethiopia 3-0. Current Eagles coach Stephen Keshi scored a brace in the game with Ademola Adeshina getting the other goal.

We will win at home, fight in Nigeria-Alula Girma

Ethiopia defender Alulu Girma has told they hope to beat Nigeria at home and then fight in the return leg World Cup playoffs.
Ethiopia host the Super Eagles on October 12 with the return leg in Calabar on November 16.
“We must make sure that we get a good win in Addis Ababa and go for a fight in Nigeria,” said Saint George defender Girma.
He also warned that the star-studded Super Eagles are wrong to believe it will be an easy game when both teams clash next month.

Ethiopia bought 3,000 tractors from polish company, Ursus

Ursus sells $90 million worth of tractors to Ethiopia

Agricultural machinery producer Ursus has inked a contract with Ethiopian company Engineering Corporation of Adama Agricultural Machinery Industry worth $90 million.

The Polish company will supply 3,000 tractors and spare parts for them. It will also provide service centers for the vehicles. Supplies will start in late Q2 or early Q3 2014.

Ethiopia begin their play-off preparations

Ethiopia plan to play warm up matches against continental powerhouses Ghana and Cameroon before they take on Nigeria in the final play-off for the 2014 World Cup, according to the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency (ERTA).

The Walya Antelopes have opened camp in Addis Ababa with 24 players from the local league and expect four players from abroad to join up with the squad in a fortnight.

Coach Sewnet Bishaw is then expected to name his final 23-man squad to face the Super Eagles. His opposite number Stephen Keshi announced his 23-man squad for the game last week.

Geothermal energy remains in the shadow of hydropower in Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Ethiopia’s ambitious plans to become a carbon-neutral economy by 2025 have attracted headlines for the scale of the country’s hydropower projects - but some experts hope that geothermal power will gradually get a look in too.

Hydroelectric dams currently under construction in the country have garnered international attention, especially the 1,870 megawatt (MW) Gibe III Dam and the 6,000 MW Grand Renaissance Dam.

But an often overlooked source of energy lies under the Great East Africa Rift Valley and the Afar Rift Valley, which pass through Ethiopia.

Best known for their scenic lakes and for both active and dormant volcanoes, the two valleys also harbour a largely untapped potential for geothermal electricity production, in which heat stored in the earth is tapped and used to drive turbines to create power.

Community Helps Sisay Taye With No Nose

Local doctors and loving families from two very different worlds join forces behind an incredible little boy who survived a tragic attack.

FOX 29's Joyce Evans has a tear-jerking story about how far good people are still willing to help when a child is hurt.

His sneakers are cool. He's smart as a whip and fast as lightning.

"He is a force to be reckoned with on the soccer field," said Peter Doerschler, the boy's guardian.

A quick study, learning all kinds of languages curious and engaging all wrapped into one adorable little 8-year-old boy.

Fox 2 News Headlines "He's a spunky little guy, isn't he?" Dr. Thomas Balshi said.

ደጃች ውቤ ሠፈር ሊፈርስ ነው

‹‹በቅርስነት ሊጠበቅ ሲገባው በድንገት ሊፈርስ ነው መባላችን አሳዝኖናል›› የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች

‹‹በችኮላ የሚሆን ሳይሆን ተማሪዎችን ታሳቢ ያደረገ ዕቅድ ነው›› የአራዳ ክፍለ ከተማ አስተዳደር

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በአራዳ ክፍለ ከተማ ወረዳ አምስት ንዑስ ቀበሌ 05 ከጊዮርጊስ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ፊት ለፊት ወደ አፍንጮ በር በሚወስደው መንገድ በቀኝ በኩል በ11.6 ሔክታር ቦታ ላይ ያሉ ነዋሪዎች እንደሚነሱና ከ100 ዓመታት በላይ ያስቆጠረው ሠፈር እንደሚፈርስ ለነዋሪዎቹ የተነገራቸው፣ መስከረም 11 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም. በሀገር ፍቅር ቴአትር ቤት ለግማሽ ቀን በተደረገ ውይይት ነው፡፡

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Battling brain drain: Training doctors in Ethiopia

Senait Fisseha leads a new initiative to train Ethiopian doctors. Credit: William Foreman
Brain drain is so severe in Ethiopia that the nation's health minister has complained there are more Ethiopian doctors in Chicago than in his own country.
The good news is that the East African nation has one of the world's fastest-growing economies and is recovering from the nightmare decades of civil war and famine. Tackling the health care crisis is high on the priority list of the government, which has opened 13 new medical schools in the last two years. But training the doctors is still a huge challenge.

One physician who is playing a key role in Ethiopia's bold medical initiative is Senait Fisseha, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan. She's leading a U-M effort to develop a postgraduate training program for doctors of obstetrics and gynecology that is fast-becoming a national model for Ethiopia.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ethiopia could face “large-scale” attacks from Somalia’s al-Shabaab: opposition

September 22, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – An official from Ethiopia’s biggest opposition group, Medrek, said on Saturday that Ethiopia could face a similar attack to this weekend’s assault on a shopping mall in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi that has killed at least 68 people and injured hundreds others.
Ethiopia and Kenya both have deployed their armies to neighboring
Somalia to address what they said was a threat to regional security caused by the al-Qaeda-linked Somali Al-Shabaab movement, the group which has claimed responsibility for the attack.

This weekend’s attack is the worst since 2010 when suicide bombers in the Ugandan capital, Kampala killed over 70 people watching the final match of the FIFA World Cup.

ወጣቱ የግብርና ኤክስፐርት በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ በፖሊስ መገደሉ ተገለጸ

በአማራ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግሥት በምዕራብ ጎጃም ዞን በጐንጅ ቆለላ ወረዳ በሸበሌ ቀበሌ ዘመናዊ የግብርና አሠራር ለአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች በማሠልጠንና አብሮ በመሥራት ላይ የነበረ ወጣት የግብርና ኤክስፐርት፣ ፖሊስ በጥይት ደብድቦ በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ እንደገደለው ዘመዶቹና የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች ገለጹ፡፡

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ከክልሉ፣ ከዞኑና ከወረዳው ሳይቀር ልዩ ምሥጋናና አድናቆት ሲቸረው የቆየ ኤክስፐርት እንደነበር የሚናገሩት ነዋሪዎቹ፣ ለቀበሌው ተመድቦ የነበረው ረዳት ሳጅን ታከለ በላይ የተባለ ፖሊስ፣ ከቤቱ ጠርቶ ለሕጋዊ ሥራ በተሰጠው መሣሪያ በጥይት ደብድቦ እንደገደለው ተናግረዋል፡፡ በጥይት ከመግደሉ በፊት በድንጋይ መትቶ ጥሎት እንደነበረም ጠቁመዋል፡፡

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Health Risks Fail to Deter Ethiopians from Eating Raw Meat

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopians continue to eat raw meat at family and festive occasions despite health risks that include exposure to tapeworms, salmonella and E-coli.

While most people are taught that eating raw meat is not good for you, the tradition persists in Ethiopia.  Whenever there is something to celebrate -- like a wedding, or the end of one of the many fasting weeks for the large Orthodox community -- raw meat is eaten in large quantities.

The story goes that eating raw meat started during times of war.  Fighters hiding in the mountains would have exposed themselves by making fire, and so ate their meat raw.

Temesgen Yilma is the owner of Yilma Restaurant, one of the most famous raw meat restaurants in Addis Ababa.  He eats raw meat almost every day and claims that neither he nor his customers have gotten sick from eating it.

“Today we are the only butchery in the country having our own animal transport trucks and meat transport vehicle," noted Yilma.  "And our meat is always inspected by the ministry of agriculture, it’s free of any tape worm or any other thing.  It’s always inspected and its always healthy.”

Friday, September 20, 2013

Keshi tags Ethiopia unpredictable

Nigeria head coach, Stephen Keshi, believes that their 2014 Fifa World Cup playoff opponents, Ethiopia, are "unpredictable."

The African champions were on Monday drawn to face the Ethiopians in a two-legged playoffs.

Keshi also made it clear that he has "a lot of respect" for the East Africans for reaching the final round of the World Cup qualifiers.

The Nigeria manager quickly recalled when both nations clashed at the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa. Nigeria won 2-0 through Victor Moses' brace of goals.

He described that meeting as "quite tough" and now expects an even tougher Walya Antelopes of Ethiopia this time round.

Ethiopian Airlines plane diverts to Malta after engine failure

An Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 757-200 made an emergency landing in Malta yesterday after suffering a failure of one of its two engines.

The aircraft was flying from Rome to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) with 135 people on board.

The Aviation Herald website said the aircraft was 140nm eastnortheast of Malta when the crew reported the right hand engine had been shut down and decided to divert to Malta.

They requested emergency services on stand by.
The aircraft landed safely and was able to taxi to an apron. 
It left after several hours following repairs.

Super Eagles will only stay for a day in Ethiopia – NFF

The Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) have revealed that they plan to spend just a day in Addis Ababa for the 2014 World Cup qualifier against Ethiopia.
Owing to the expected high altitude in Ethiopia,the NFF is embarking on this travel schedules so that the Super Eagles players will not be affected by it.
The NFF said that the Super Eagles players will fly into Addis Ababa with a chartered flight on October 15,leaving immediately after the game the next day.
“We are making arrangements to charter a flight for the Eagles ahead of the game against Ethiopia,” NFF general secretary,Musa Amadu is quoted as saying on
“You know East Africa is high altitude and the best way to beat the weather is to go in and out. So we plan to arrive in Addis Ababa a day before the game, play the next day and head out by so doing the altitude will not have an effect on our players.”
The last time both teams met,Super Eagles defeated Ethiopia 2-0 at the 2013 African Nations Cup,with both goals coming from the spot by Victor Moses.

Ethiopian girl Aster Degano has 6 pound tumor removed from neck

NEW YORK (WABC) -- A 13-year-old girl from Ethiopia is showing off her amazing results after having a six pound tumor removed from her neck on 9/11.

"I'm all good," said Aster Degano, 13-years-old.

Degano lived with a growing tumor in her neck that could, and should have been removed a lifetime ago.

"In the United States, this would've been diagnosed, probably about 12 years ago and it would've been taken care of at that time," said Dr. Milton Waner, of Lenox Hill Hospital.

But Aster and her family live in a remote village in southern Ethiopia, where there is no treatment for this type of benign tumor known as a teratoma.

Aster's tumor had grown to six pounds, displacing her jawbone and carotid artery.

"And there was probably a 30% narrowing of the trachea from just the compression already," said Dr. Lee Smith, of Cohen Children's Medical Center.

Not to mention the stigma, back in her village Aster was labeled as "evil".

"That was one of the reasons we didn't send her to school, because they were making fun of her, bullying her," said Astor's father through a translator.

Now, she is cured and also, had reconstructive surgery at the Cohen Children's Medical Center.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

ወደ ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የሚገቡ ተማሪዎች ድልድል ይፋ ሆነ

አዲስ አበባ ፣ መስከረም 9 ፣ 2006 (ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ) በ2005 የትምህርት ዘመን የ12  ክፍል  የመሰናዶ  ፈተናን  ካለፉት 163ሺህ 406  ተማሪዎች መካከል  103 ሺህ 394 ተማሪዎች በመንግስት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ተመድበዋል ።

ምደባው ዛሬ  በአገር አቀፍ የትምህርት ምዘና  ኤጀንሲ  የተማሪዎቹ  የዩኒቨርሲቲ  ድልደላ  ተካሂዷል ።

ተማሪዎችም የተመደቡበትን ዩኒቨርሲቲ  በኤጀንሲው ድረ ገፅ በመግባት placement result የሚለውን  በመጫን መመልከት ይችላሉ ።

ወይም በአጭር የፅሁፍ መልዕክት plr ፅፎ  የመለያ  ቁጥርን በማስከተል ለ8181 በመላክ የተመደቡበትን ዩኒቨርሲቲ  ማወቅ  የችላሉ ብሏል ኤጀንሲው ።

Giant reservoir of magma under Ethiopia may explain how continents break apart

In the desert of northern Ethiopia, there's a great rift in the ground which has long thought to have been the starting point of a new ocean, but a recent discovery has scientists wondering if they called that right, or if they're instead seeing a whole new kind of feature forming.
The Afar Rift has been called 'an ocean in the making', as this is where the continents of Africa and Asia are slowly spreading apart from one another. Presumably, sometime in the future, the continents would get far enough apart that water from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden would rush in and we would be witness to the birth of what would someday become a new ocean. Scientists have seen similarities between the Rift and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where magma wells up to make the ocean floor spread. However, a research team recently discovered a massive blob of magma, measuring around 500 cubic kilometres in size, lurking deep beneath the region, and that's unlike anything they've seen before.

Robel Phillipos plead not guilty; accused of impeding probe into alleged Marathon bomber

Robel Phillipos arriving at the federal courthouse today
By Patricia Wen and Milton J. Valencia, Globe Staff

Dressed in a black suit and tie and surrounded by two dozen family supporters, a close friend of accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty Friday to charges that he lied to investigators during a terrorism probe.

The arraignment of Robel Phillipos, a 19-year-old former University of Massachusetts Dartmouth student from Cambridge, came after he was indicted about two weeks ago when negotiations to resolve his case collapsed. Phillipos is free on bail.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chairs, slippers and contemporary Ethiopia: the work of Ephrem Solomon

Exist Yellow Chair, 2013, wood cut and mixed media, measuring 73x73cm. Image: Ephrem Solomon
Artist reflects on the way modern and traditional lifestyles both clash and combine in the present
Ephrem Solomon's work differs from the prevailing artistic style in Ethiopia in many ways. Although his art is also two-dimensional and on canvas, a strong graphic emphasis makes it stand out from the ever-dominant paintings, be they figurative or abstract.

Solomon was born in Addis Ababa in 1983, and developed an interest in art early. After high school he studied fine art and graphic design, which shows in his portfolio. His works is often very descriptive and literal, focusing on the world around him; the city of Addis, its people, places, spaces and nature. Objects such as the signature chair and slippers are incorporated as a reflection on broader political and social themes.
"My works portrays the distance between what the governed people need and want and what the response is from the governors. I have tried to picture, as precisely as possible, the actual and innocent feeling of the governed," Solomon says.

azmari( አዝማሪ)

An azmari is an Ethiopian singer-musician, comparable to the European bard. Azmari, who may be either male or female, are skilled at singing extemporized verses, accompanying themselves on either a masenqo (one-stringed fiddle) or krar (lyre). Azmari often perform in drinking establishments called tejbeit, which specialize in the serving of tej (honey mead).

Hikma Pharma teams up with MIDROC to enter Ethiopian market

(Reuters) - Jordan's Hikma Pharmaceuticals said on Wednesday it was entering the Ethiopian market through a joint venture with Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi's MIDROC Group.

London-listed Hikma said the joint venture, named HikmaCure, would establish an Ethiopian operating company, build a local manufacturing facility and would begin marketing and distributing pharmaceutical products in Ethiopia.

The two groups will provide up to $22.3 million each to the joint venture, Hikma said in a statement.

ዎልማርት የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ኢንተርፕራይዝን ሊያስተዳድር ነው

በሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ደንብ ቁጥር 235/2005 መሠረት ከወራት በፊት የተቋቋመውና በመላ አገሪቱ የተደራጀ የሸቀጦች ንግድ አገልግሎት ለመስጠት የተዘጋጀውን የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ኢንተርፕራይዝ፣ በሁለት ዓመታት የማኔጅመንት ኮንትራት ለማስተዳደር በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ግዙፍ የሆነው የአሜሪካው ዎልማርት ኩባንያ ስምምነት ለማድረግ መዘጋጀቱን ምንጮች ገለጹ፡፡

ዎልማርት የተባለው ኩባንያ ከሰሐራ በታች በሚገኙ 12 የአፍሪካ አገሮች ቅርንጫፎችን በመክፈት የተለያዩ ሸቀጦችን ለተጠቃሚዎች በጅምላና በችርቻሮ በማቅረብ ላይ የሚገኝ ሲሆን፣ ከቅርብ ጊዜያት ወዲህ ሸማቾችንና የአገሪቱን ኢኮኖሚ በመፈተን ላይ የሚገኘውን የዋጋ ግሽበት በማጤን፣ የኢትዮጵያ ገበያ ውስጥ የመግባት ፍላጐቱን በማሳየት ከመንግሥት ጋር ሲደራደር ቆይቷል፡፡

In Ethiopia, State Controls Hold Back Waking Giant

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn walks arrives a day before the G20 Summit, St. Petersburg, Sept. 4, 2013.
ADDIS ABABA — When global drinks giant Diageo bought a brewery in Ethiopia, it paid a premium for a stake in a barely tapped African market that in the 1980s had spectacularly failed to feed its own population.

Diageo paid $225 million for state-owned Meta Abo, joining a list of firms seeking a foothold in Africa's second most populous nation that was once run by communists and now has an emerging middle class after a decade of double-digit growth.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Authorities restrict visits to imprisoned journalist Alemu

Reyot Alemu
Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns the decision by the authorities of Kality prison, located outside Addis Abba, to restrict family visits to jailed journalist Reyot Alemu, a columnist for the national weekly Fitih. She has been held since June 2011 after being found guilty of participating in the promotion and communication of terrorist activities.
Alemu, awarded the 2013 UNESCO-Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize, is serving an arbitrary sentence of five years.
Her original 14-year sentence was reduced by the federal supreme court on 3 August this year.

International adoption: I was stolen from my family-Tarikuwa Lemma on CNN

Tarikuwa Lemma was taken from her family in Ethiopia on a promised "study trip" to the United States.

Editor's note: Tarikuwa Lemma, 19, was "adopted" from Ethiopia seven years ago by a U.S. family along with her two younger sisters after being deceived that they were headed to America on a study trip. She now lives in Maine and has just entered college with the goal of becoming a human rights advocate.
(CNN) -- When I was 13, I was sold.
Friends of my father worked for a corrupt adoption agency operating in my homeland of Ethiopia -- friends my father trusted. In 2006 they coerced him into believing he was sending my younger sisters and me to America for an educational program during which we would come home every summer and on school breaks.
Little did my father know that his "friends" were being paid to recruit children for an American adoption agency. In fact, he didn't even know what "adoption" meant. Instead of an educational program, we found ourselves caught up in an international adoption scandal.
We weren't the only ones lied to. The family who adopted us, who lived in the southwestern United States, were told that they were taking into their family three AIDS orphans, the oldest of whom was nine years old. The truth was that our mother had died from complications during childbirth, and our father was alive and well. Instead of nine, I was 13 years old; my sisters were 11 and six.

Investment bank identifies four African countries that continue to surprise

South African based Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) has recently released its 2013/14 ‘Where to Invest in Africa’ report, which ranks African countries according to their attractiveness for corporate investment.
The top 10 most attractive destinations remain the same as last year: South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya.
To compile the rankings, RMB looked at the market size, market growth and the business environment of each country.

Radiation threatens 40/60 site

The planned 40/60 housing construction by Addis Ababa’s City Administration Housing Development Agency, set to be constructed in the Kality area, faces a potentially hazardous radioactive problem.

The selected site is close to a radiation generating nuclear machine, undertaking research to eradicate the tsetse fly, The Reporter learnt.

According to the city's housing agency, the Kality site is a total of 5.4 hectares and will have 14 blocks with 282 houses under the 40/60 housing scheme.

The agency said it is considering whether the radioactivity will have an effect on the housing.

Lion kills Ethiopian zookeeper

Addis Ababa - A lion at the Addis Ababa zoo attacked and killed a zookeeper on Monday after he forgot to close the door to the inner cage where the lion sleeps, officials said.

The lion, named Kenenisa after a famous Ethiopian runner, killed Abera Silsay, 51, as he was cleaning the cage.

"He entered cage number 10 where Kenenisa lives and he forgot to close the door [to the lion's sleeping chamber]... Finally, the lion came and he mauled him," the zoo's director general Musie Kiflom told AFP.

The lion bit Abera's neck as guards tried to scare Kenenisa off by shooting live rounds into the air and pounding on the cage's roof.

Eagles face a transformed Ethiopia

The 2013 Afcon champions will have the luxury to start the two-legged match campaign in Addis Ababa in October while the reverse fixture will hold in Nigeria in November.

The winners of the two-match play-off will automatically qualify for the Fifa World Cup coming up in Brazil next year.

Onigbinde said the only antidote for our qualification for the 2014 Fifa World Cup in Brazil is adequate preparations not the opponents as such.

"I've never bothered my head over whom I'm drawn against in any competition rather I pay undivided attention on preparations. So Nigerians shouldn't go dancing and drumming because they're drawn against Ethiopia rather commence immediate preparations.

‘Asnake’ Love Him Not, Hate Him Not

Abebe Balcha has become a household name through his popular character, named “Asnake”, in the soap opera “Se’w-le-Se’w”.

Abebe Balcha has become a household name through his popular character, named “Asnake”, in the soap opera “Se’w-le-Se’w”.  A practicing lawyer, Abebe plays the hateful and deceptive character with all the more extraordinary talent. He seems to also be enjoying himself, though sometimes getting bothered by the heights of popularity. But, even Abebe himself is indifferent on whether to love or hate the character he plays. A similar feeling seems to exist amongst the viewership. In this interview with Biniyam Alemayhu, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Abebe shares his views about the character Asnake, the celebrity culture inEthiopiaand the film industry.

Abebe Balcha has become a household name through his popular character, named “Asnake”, in the soap opera “Se’w-le-Se’w”.  A practicing lawyer, Abebe plays the hateful and deceptive character with all the more extraordinary talent. He seems to also be enjoying himself, though sometimes getting bothered by the heights of popularity. But, even Abebe himself is indifferent on whether to love or hate the character he plays. A similar feeling seems to exist amongst the viewership. In this interview with Binyam Alemayhu, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Abebe shares his views about the character ‘Asnake’, celebrity culture inEthiopia and the film industry. Excerpts:

Monday, September 16, 2013


Always pushing forward, Mulatu Astatke still envisages new paths for his Ethio-jazz music. Speaking to The Quietus earlier this year Mulatu, in his seventieth year, said the purist form of the music would be based entirely on traditional and developed Ethiopian instruments. Sketches Of Ethiopia sees him get closer to his goal, and while some may be content at this stage to rely on former glories, Mulatu continues to create and expand on his pioneering vision for Ethiopian music.   WithSketches Of Ethiopia Mulatu Astatke has taken inspiration from all kinds of Ethiopian music, using a wide range of experimental local instruments to explore the rich cultural palette of the East African country (home to around 90 different languages). Among the Ethiopian instruments used are masinko (single-bowed lute), krar (six-string lyre) and washint (bamboo flute), alongside traditional jazz instruments including piano, bass, saxophone, trumpet and cello, and the west African harp-like kora. The music itself mixes urban club tempos with traditional rural folk styles, with Mulatu's trademark Ethio-jazz fusion of Latin percussion and Afro-funk rhythms.

Nigeria need to prepare well for Ethiopia, says Christian Chukwu

The former coach of the national team says that the Super Eagles have been given a fair draw against the Walya Antelopes but they need to keep up their tempo ahead of Brazil

Former Nigeria coach Christian Chukwu has urged the country to prepare well for their double-header against Ethiopia in the 2014 World Cup play-offs starting next month.

The Super Eagles were pitted against the Walya Antelopes during Monday’s draw in Cairo.

Chukwu who captained Nigeria to their 1980 Africa Cup of Nations win said that the draw favours the Super Eagles who have been doing well so far.

“It’s a good fixture for us,” Chukwu told Goal. “Our preparation has been going on well and we should continue like this until we get to Brazil.

Ethiopia face Nigeria for World Cup place

Giantkillers Ethiopia were drawn against Nigeria Monday in the 2014 World Cup Africa zone play-offs.

Ivory Coast face Senegal, Tunisia meet Cameroon, Ghana tackle Egypt and Burkina Faso play Algeria in the other ties created by a draw in Cairo.

The two-leg showdowns are set for October and November and the winners qualify for the World Cup in Brazil next June and July.

Ethiopia were the only side to upset the seeding in the mini-league previous stage, finishing two points ahead of top-ranked South Africa.

But they will face much tougher opponents in Nigeria, who beat Ethiopia 2-0 en route to winning the Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa last February.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mo Farah beaten by Kenenisa Bekele in Great North Run thriller

Ethiopia's Kenenisa Bekele saw off double world and Olympic champion Mo Farah's late surge to win the Great North Run in a thrilling sprint finish.
Britain's Farah, 30, chased down Bekele in the last 400m in a great finale but was pipped to the line by one second.
Another Ethiopian, Haile Gebrselassie, was a distant third after falling behind in the last of the 13.1 miles.
"I'm disappointed but I was second to a great athlete," said Farah after finishing in one hour and 10 seconds.
The sight of Farah and Bekele fighting it out in the last 200m was a fitting conclusion to what had been an eagerly anticipated race from Newcastle upon Tyne to South Shields.

Friday, September 13, 2013


In the past two years Great Britain’s Mo Farah was among those who gave the starting signal for events associated with the Bupa Great North Run. He will do this again next weekend but this year double Olympic and World champion will finally be running the famous Half Marathon, an IAAF Gold Label Road Race, on Sunday.
In a unique constellation, Farah will be competing against the Ethiopian superstars Kenenisa Bekele and Haile Gebrselassie in the point-to-point race which goes from Newcastle to South Shields.
Together, the trio have won all the Olympic 10,000 m gold medals available since Atlanta 1996 but it will be the first time they have competed in one race.
Bekele, of course, still holds the World records at 5000m and 10,000m, which he took from Gebrselassie. Farah is the European record holder at 10,000m.

Ethiopia achieves development target on reducing child mortality

A girl outside her home in Gambella. Ethiopia has achieved the development goal on reducing child mortality. Photograph: Ariadne Van Zandbergen/Alamy
Sustained government drive brings down deaths among children under the age of five by 67% compared with 1990 figures
Ethiopia, a low-income country in the drought prone Horn of Africa, has achieved the millennium development goal to cut the mortality rate for children under the age of five ahead of the 2015 deadline, according to figures published on Friday.

The statistics, contained in a 2013 progress report, Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed, compiled by the UN children's fund Unicef, the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the World Bank Group, showed Ethiopia has reduced child deaths by more than two thirds over the past 20 years. In 1990, an estimated 204 children in every 1,000 in Ethiopia died before the age of five ; just six countries had a higher rate. The latest data shows that by 2012 the rate had dropped to 68, a massive 67% fall in the under-five mortality rate.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ethiopia, the pride of East Africa by Collins Okinyo

The last matches of the 2014 World Cup qualifiers were played over the weekend and one team that stood out from the rest was definitely Ethiopia, also known as the Walia Antelopes.

I have followed their progress for a long time and I was proud to be in Brazzavile, Congo, where they qualified for the playoffs despite being docked three points for fielding an ineligible player against Botswana.

The camaraderie in the Ethiopian camp was exceptional and captivating , a team with no known superstars but playing like a well-oiled machine they defied all odds and came out top of group A with 13 points.

An Ethiopian refugee living in Hartford struggles to live a Jewish life

Fitsum and his father in Ethiopia in 2002.
By Alex Putterman

With a limited English vocabulary, Fitsum Anafu Tsema Molla has few ways of describing events of the first 38 years of his life. Oftentimes, “not good” serves as the perfect catchall.

Today, Fitsum sits in the quiet lobby of a West Hartford synagogue – where he is now a “regular ” – thousands of miles from anything resembling home, and communicates his harrowing life story, one “not good” at a time.

Fitsum was born in Ethiopia in 1975, the year before a coup overthrew the nation’s acting government and initiated a Marxist military dictatorship. Immediately, the coup resulted in the death of 2,500 Ethiopian Jews and the homelessness of another 7,000. Eventually, it also resulted in changing attitudes toward religion, Judaism in particular, in the East African nation. The relationship between Israel and Ethiopia grew increasingly contentious and lurking anti-Israel sentiments flourished.